Go through Avoid This Food and Cure Acne Naturally - Acne Sufferers Worst Foods a lot more

Did you know there are foods you should strictly avoid if you want to cure acne permanent and in a natural way? In this article you will discover which they are, and why you should avoid them.

What to eat and which food that's help the body to heal is important to know if you want to cure your skin. Some food works as "natural healers". The processed food in grocery stores are not natural food for our bodies, and such not even be considered as food at all. These kinds of foods contain dangerous chemicals, sweeteners, bad fats and fast carbs. This food is the last our body's needs, if we want to stay healthy.

What Food to Avoid To Cure Pimples and Acne

The first thing you should do when you want to get rid of pimples and acne is to change your food habits. And here's what you should avoid:

· Avoid sweets in all forms. Sweets do often contain different kinds of thing you should avoid for a clear and healthy skin such as; sugar, gelatin, wheat, milk and a lots of chemicals. My advice is to eat fruits and berries instead. Make your own smoothies, juices and fruit salads.

· Junk food is really bad if you want to avoid acne. It often contains chemicals, wheat, dairy products, sugar and low levels of vitamins and minerals. Your body needs nutrition to heal itself and be able to wash out toxins and waste products.

· Chemicals are the most important thing you have to avoid these days. There is hard to avoid to get any chemicals at all in our poisoned world today because they literally are everywhere; in our food, tap water and within the air. What you can do is to avoid all kinds of foods with additives in it. You can also choose ecologically produced food and filter your tap water to get rid of huge amounts of chemicals.

· Be careful with dairy products. These products are not natural for human bodies, and it can disturb functions within the body and give rise to pimples and acne. My suggestion is to avoid dairy products for a week, and then eat it again. If you see the pimples rise again, then you may have a food allergy against dairy products.

· It's the same with wheat and rye as it is with dairy products. You can be sensitive to these products, and actually have a food allergy against them. These forms of allergies often have a connection with too many chemicals within the body. So, to make the problem disappear, or to not make it even worse, you have to cleanse your body.

· Don't drink anything else than water, herbal teas and juices. Avoid drinks with sugar, additives and sweeteners. You don't need to avoid caffeine, but I suggest you only drink small amounts of it. Like a cup of green tea every day.

So congratulation! You've just discovered the worst foods you have to avoid if you want to get a clear skin and cure acne permanent!

Acne Foods

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Avoid This Food and Cure Acne Naturally - Acne Sufferers Worst Foods

Acne Foods

Read Acne - The Testosterone Connection additional


Acne is a skin condition that affects both young men and young women alike. Not only that, acne is increasingly occurring in adults, and is an embarrassing problem for millions of men and women well into their thirties and forties. Has acne gotten worse over the past twenty years, or are we just imagining it?

Is it because we now have the internet and information is shared much more readily and easily that we know the true depth of the acne problem, or has it really become somewhat of an epidemic?

Well, my personal opinion is that acne has gotten much more widespread, especially in adults, and there may be any number of reasons for that, but at the heart of acne there is a culprit that can be both our friend, and in the case of acne, our enemy.

It's the male hormone (or androgen), testosterone. More specifically, it's a specific testosterone called DHT, or Dihydro Testosterone. This specific hormone, when produced in excessive amounts by the body, whether it be a female or male body, creates an environment for the oil glands to go into overdrive producing the natural oils that normally protect and moisturize the skin.

Normally, your oil glands are set to produce just enough oil to create the protective barrier between the environment and your skin, as well as act as a moisturizing agent, keeping the skin hydrated. When the oil glands are corrupted and begin to produce too much oil, things get nasty.

The oil has nowhere else to go, and so it clogs the pores, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, and smaller acne lesions because of the inflammation caused by the clogged pore.

It's basically a case where your body's natural protective mechanisms are corrupted and begin to work against your skin rather than protect and moisturize it, as nature intended.

This testosterone overload is precisely why the best acne treatments are aimed at helping to balance the hormones again, so that can facilitate the natural equilibrium between estrogenic (female) hormones and androgenic (male) hormones that should exist in every man and woman.

Other effective acne treatments, like the controversial Acutane, otherwise known as isotretinoin, are aimed at actually drying up the oil glands. I happen to shy away from this method, because this means that when you age, you don't have those natural oil glands to protect your skin and keep the elasticity that keeps you looking young.

Acne is usually a problem rooted in hormonal imbalance, and very closely related to periods of life where hormones tend to be imbalanced. This is why people do tend to break out more in their adolescence, when the hormones are still finding their way to balance and the body is still developing and changing, and also in adults, when stressful periods occur, since hormone levels are very sensitive to stress in most individuals.

Some argue that our foods today may be causing increased cases of adolescent and especially adult acne, since our foods tend to contain a lot of hormones or hormone-mimicking compounds in them, and this interferes with the natural hormone balance of our bodies.

This can be solved by picking only natural, organic products, especially when buying your meats, cheeses and dairies which can contain vast amounts of synthetic hormones designed to make the animals produce more milk, which can then be leached by your body and mimic human hormones in the body, upsetting the delicate natural balance.

Another argument may be that stress levels are constantly on the rise in our increasingly busy, hectic lifestyles, and this has impacted the hormone balance of adults, causing acne to increase in the adult population.

Whatever the cause is, we do know that it is usually rooted in hormonal balance, and that DHT is the culprit. If we can find the right product to help our bodies achieve this natural balance again as well as help control the oil production of our oil glands, we've essentially won the battle against acne.

Danna Schneider is the founder of http://www.AcneMagazine.com and http://www.CosmeticsGalore.com where news and suggestions on new natural ways to be acne free for life can be found, as well as skin care regimens and tips for acne, acne rosacea and other inflammatory skin conditions.

Acne - The Testosterone Connection


Read Get Rid Of Acne - Avoid These Foods much more

Acne is a wide-spread problem. Few people are indeed lucky that they never go through this condition. Most of us are not. Acne vulgaris, or just acne, can be caused by the foods we eat. There is a definite relation between acne and our eating habits. But certain foods can lead to acne in some, while in others they may not pose a problem at all. So to get rid of acne it is necessary to discover the foods that cause acne and exclude them from your diet. Here's a common list of them.

Junk foods. We all know that junk/fast food is really unhealthy. They're not just harmful for our total health but they also can cause acne and give us an unhealthy complexion. Processed foods contain a lot of preservatives and additives that may not be pretty safe for your skin. They comprise toxins that can cause pimples. They also may contain refined sugar and artificial sweeteners that lead to acne breakouts. The same thing can be said about spicy foods. They are rich in ingredients such as chilli and pepper and it may aggravate the acne disorder.

Dairy products. To get rid of acne you should avoid drinking milk. Milk causes more oil to be produced by our skin, therefore we acquire pimples. Abstinence from milk and other dairy products like cheese, curd and ice cream is practically indispensable to prevent further harm to the skin. Of course dairy products contain many substances that are essential for our body. But if you discover that your skin is becoming worsened, consider excluding dairy products from your diet.

Red meat. Red meat is known to cause acne in many cases since it is acid constituting and difficult to digest. The wastes left in the organism can be ejected through the skin that leads to pimples. Your organism will not be capable of wiping out them effectively. Moreover there are hormones containing in these products, so consuming them results in a rise in the hormone levels which always has an adverse effect on the skin.

Caffeine. The most common foods containing caffeine are chocolates, coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks. Acne experts always advise their patients to keep away from them since caffeine is considered to be one of the triggers of acne. Consumption of such products will make it hard to deal with pimples. They are high in sugar levels and increase hormone production leading to severe acne breakouts.

Acne Foods
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Get Rid Of Acne - Avoid These Foods

Study Acne Scar Removal: How To Do It The Right Way? far more

For many individuals, acne scar removal is the best solution to having scars removed from their body. Many individuals spend years dealing with acne in one form or the next. They find that there are many products on the market that do little to actually help them to remove acne. Acne scars can be devastating to their self esteem and outward appearance. Many individuals will deal with confidence issues because of their scars. Yet, acne scar removal can be the exact answer to their needs.

How Do They Work?

Selecting the right product for acne scar removal is important in the process. What individuals need to know is how the product actually works. For some situations, the product will work by exfoliating the skin enough to create new skin growth in the area of the scar. When the new skin heals, the scar will be gone or much less noticeable. These exfoliating products work well for many. Often, this acne scar treatment is called a chemical peel.

There are both natural and chemical forms of this type of acne scar treatment. Many of them work in the same method with the goal of removing the top layers of skin to help improve the skin's condition. Other products work by gently and effectively removing the scar through topical treatments. In any case, the method for which the acne treatment works should provide some results rather quickly.

How To Select The Appropriate One

When selecting an acne scar removal product, insure that you understand how the product works. Find out how it will work to remove the scars on your body. Also, insure that you are not allergic to anything in the product. If you are unsure, test the product on a small area of skin to see if there is a reaction within a day's time. Also, you should notice where the removal treatment is used. Some are not meant for the face while others will not be able to be used on the neck or body.

Acne scar removal can actually help to reform the skin and the soul when it is selected wisely.


We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find it only on the Fast removal of acne scars website [http://www.leandernet.com/Acne/Acne_treatments.php]. All about acne treatments on LeanderNet - [http://www.leandernet.com].

Acne Scar Removal: How To Do It The Right Way?
