Read Cystic Acne and Junk Food a lot more

Acne Foods

In order to get rid of cystic acne, it's an excellent idea to avoid junk food. Some people, no matter what they do in terms of diet, exercise, and general lifestyle changes, continue to have cystic acne that requires medical treatment. You may be an example of the extremely fortunate individual whose skin responds just to changes in diet. It's unfair, however, to suggest that an improved diet will be a panacea for all people with acne.

Obviously, if an individual notices a connection between eating a certain food, for example, chocolate, shell fish, spinach, fried foods, and breakouts, he or she should avoid those foods. But not everyone has such clear flags.

But food is not the only cause for cystic acne. Frankly I sometimes wonder if more people don't have adult acne because of our toxic environment, including our food. Or maybe part of it is that everybody didn't feel as great a need to be perfect in the past. Maybe more people are seeking acne treatment now than in the past, I'm not saying that seeking treatment is necessarily a bad thing; if help is available, why not take advantage of it?

My advice is to press the doctor for something else and if it doesn't work seek a new doctor who will prescribe Accutane or something similar for a five-month course. Cystic acne is just too unpleasant a condition to be lived with if there is a medication that can control it and the risks are reasonable.

Cystic Acne [] - Medical information and tips on how to get rid of acne []

Cystic Acne and Junk Food

Acne Foods

Go through Foods That Help Clear Acne - Cure Your Acne Through Your Diet a lot more

Foods That Help Clear Acne - Cure Your Acne Through Your Diet

Acne Foods

Acne Foods

Most people are not sure about the causes of acne. They thought that they cannot cure acne and the products and medications found in the pharmacies are only solutions for acne. However, this is not true. Most of us neglected our diet in acne treatments and it plays a huge role in curing acne. I will talk more about this and share with you some foods that help clear acne.

People who follow the western diet are usually more vulnerable to acne. Their diet usually have high amount of sugar-laden foods and animal fats. These foods can worsen your acne condition. High sugar content foods cause your insulin level to spike which will lead to hyperactive sebum glands. It also cause your skin to turnover faster. When these 2 conditions happen, it means that you have oily skin and excess dead skin cells on your skin. When these conditions are present, it means that you increased your chances of suffering from acne breakouts.

If you are interested in learning more about the causes and secrets to cure acne, I highly recommend you to pick up the eBook Acne No More by Mike Walden. I picked up valuable lessons that I couldn't find in costly products and treatments in the market.

Once you know what types of food to avoid, I will share with you some foods that are able to help clear acne.

1) Manuka honey

Manuka honey is a great natural ingredient for treating acne. You can either apply it on its own or eat it. It has great anti bacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria that cause acne. It also helps to boost your immune system so that your body will be able to help keep acne at bay.

2) Cacao

Cacao is a great health food. It is high in antioxidant and it will be able to help remove the free radicals found in your body. It is a super food for treating acne when eaten raw.

3) Aloe Vera

You can eat aloe vera on its own or you can apply it to your acne. It has healing properties that can hasten the healing process. It is also used to soothe and reduce skin redness.

4) Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds

Many people are able to clear their acne permanently when eating a natural diet that contains vegetables, nuts, fruits and seeds. These healthy foods are essential to help maintain your body function. These foods also do not have excess sugar or chemicals that are harmful to our body. Revamping your diet to a more natural one will help to clear your acne and soon you will be able to kiss acne goodbye.

Next, learn about the exact causes of acne so you can eliminate them effortlessly. Click on the link and read this ebook by Mike Walden and he will teach you what you need to know to cure your acne now. >>> Acne No More Review.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he used the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that Mike Walden teaches to help him to cure his acne in just 4 weeks time. He writes about severe acne treatment that people used to help them cure their acne naturally.

Go through Are There Foods That Cause Acne? Chocolate Lovers Beware! extra

Are There Foods That Cause Acne? Chocolate Lovers Beware!

Acne Causing Foods

Are there certain foods that cause acne? This is an ongoing debate amongst skin care experts and dermatologists; however, there is plenty of proof that food and acne are connected. While there is no scientific evidence that there are foods that directly cause acne, there have been studies showing that certain foods can indirectly make acne skin conditions worse by influencing other factors within the body.

For instance, diet directly affects the body's insulin level. Insulin is the master hormone that influences all other hormones including androgens (male hormones). Higher androgen levels result in more oil/sebum secretion which can lead to worse acne. Therefore, it makes sense that diets that cause insulin spikes may ultimately worsen acne skin.

So what are the foods that cause acne? While diet might not be the specific cause for acne skin, there are certain foods that have been targeted as more problematic than others when it comes to acne.

Foods to Avoid:

If there is just one food you remove from your diet in order to reduce acne, make it dairy products! Dairy products are considered to be one of the main foods that cause acne. Dairy products (including cow's milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt) can aggravate acne for a number of reasons. Many people are lactose intolerant without realizing it and even a mild intolerance can result in acne.

Dairy products are also acid-forming in the body. Our bodies need to be slightly alkaline and over-acidity can lead to acne. Consuming dairy, especially non-organic dairy products, can increase the levels of hormones in the body because there are hormones in milk. An increase in hormone production often results in increased sebum secretion, clogged pores, and more acne.

"Bad" fats: Saturated fats and Trans fats.
Saturated fat is found in animal products, many dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut and palm kernel oils. Too much saturated fat is hard for the body to break down and can contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. Not to mention clogged pores.

Trans fat should be avoided at all costs! Trans fats are found in processed and packaged foods such as chips, donuts, cookies, and a multitude of other snacks in order to extend their shelf life. All of these processed foods are potential foods that cause acne skin conditions. Trans fats can lower HDL (good cholesterol) and increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and are the worse type of fat for your health. So stay away from processed and packaged foods as much as possible if you are trying to avoid foods that cause acne.

*Side Note*: Monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the good fats and you want them in your diet. They are found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish. They help attract moisture into cells and keep skin lubricated.

Refined carbohydrates and sugars:
Eating refined carbohydrates and sugar (white rice, pasta, white flour, sweets, etc) leads to a surge in insulin levels. This in turn leads to an increase in the production of androgens (male hormones), which then encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. The end result can be clogged pores and zits. The overproduction of insulin can also lead to weight gain and diabetes.

Unfortunately, sugar is found in many foods. It may also go by the names of high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, maltose, and dextrose. If you are a sugar lover, try using raw sugar instead of refined sugar or you can use real maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, or brown rice syrup as substitutes for sugar.

Most importantly, avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates, such as sucrose (table sugar), fructose, and lactose (milk sugar).

Fatty meats:
Fatty meats such as beef and pork should be avoided in order to achieve clear, glowing skin. Cooked animal protein is difficult to digest and often takes several days to get through the digestive system. During this time, it putrefies and creates toxins in the body. These toxins can manifest in acne. As with dairy products, meat is acid-forming in the body and non-organic meats often contain synthetic hormones.

If you want to eat meat, the best options are organic poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.) and organic fish. Tofu is a good substitute and if you are worried about not getting enough protein, try eating nuts, seeds, chickpeas, etc. These all contain high amounts of protein.

Excess Salt:
Salt, or sodium, is a necessary part of our diet because it retains fluid in the body's cells and plasma, among other things. If you have too little sodium in your diet, you can become dehydrated; however, too much sodium can cause the body to retain fluid. This results in bloating, weight gain, and possible kidney damage. According to the American Heart Association, we should only consume about 2.5 grams (about a teaspoon) of sodium per day! This is far less than the average American consumes on a daily basis.

Salt is also rich in iodine which has been linked to acne. If you use iodized salt, consider switching to alternate products such as celtic sea salt which you can find at gourmet or health food stores.

Caffeine stimulates hormone production, which, as described earlier, can lead to overproduction of sebum and ultimately clogged pores and zits. Caffeine can also increase some people's anxiety and stress levels which can also aggravate acne.

For people looking for ways to reduce their acne, eliminating any possible acne causing foods can help improve skin dramatically.

It's important to point out that in addition to foods that cause acne, there are also many foods that can help improve and even clear up acne. Check out this article on foods for clear skin:

And for more information on all things related to acne skin, check out:

Read Food - The Cause Of Your Acne? a lot more

Food - The Cause Of Your Acne?

Acne Causing Foods

Most websites state that food does NOT cause acne. But are they telling the truth? Is food the root of your acne?

Let me start by saying that by changing my diet I cleared my acne. I'll tell how in a moment...

But why is it that most websites and even doctors say food has nothing to do with acne? Well, if you look at what they want you to use to treat your acne you'll find that it costs money for you to do so. They basically want you to buy their products.

But changing your diet is free, and is actually the ONLY way to really, fully, completely clear your skin. That's because it is food that is largely responsible for causing acne in the first place!

When I had acne for many years I tried many, many treatments, and these were by and large a complete waste of time and money. I tried antibiotics, accutane, dozens of cleansers and many pill formulas. None of these worked. And the people selling them were saying that food didn't make a difference (or hardly any difference) to acne...

But after so many years of failed acne treatments I decided to look into this whole acne-diet thing and see what information was "out there". And what I learned was that some natural health advocates were stating that acne is CAUSED by diet, and that by changing your diet you can be acne-free.

So I started trying things out and found that one of the most DRAMATIC changes to my skin occurred when I started to avoid vegetable oil. I was eating vegetable oil (as a cooking oil) everyday, and when I stopped eating it my cystic acne disappeared. There were other changes I needed to take to completely clear my skin, but avoiding vegetable oil was the most important...

So by changing your diet, you can also clear your skin in a matter of days. For more information about clearing your acne visit my website now

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

Read through Say No to These Foods That Trigger Acne extra

Acne is a skin condition that affects old and young alike. And there are many causes of acne, but scientists and doctors rarely agree on what is the exact cause of people getting breakouts. Many will say that food has nothing to do with it. But time and time again, people have sworn that when they consume certain foods, they get an acne flare-up. Because this is commonly agreed upon, we have included some of the food culprits which seem to exacerbate an acne condition.

1. Greasy foods

2. Fried foods such as French fries, fried chicken etc.

3. Foods that are high in iodine such as shellfish

4. Junk food

5. Fast food

6. High sugar foods

7. Desserts and sweets

8. Chocolate

9. Fats

10. Oils

11. Simple carbohydrates

12. Foods with a high glycemic index

After reading that list you're probably saying to yourself, what in the world can I eat then? The answer is foods that are wholesome and rich in vitamins such as: fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And that's not a diet only for acne, but one that everyone should follow for optimum health. If you change your diet, you will see a vast improvement in your acne. And you may actually feel better also.

Just like you wouldn't put the wrong gas in your car, you shouldn't put the wrong food fuel into your body. It will react and acne is one of the ways it responds to not approving of what you are feeding it. At the beginning it can be difficult to change the habit of eating certain foods. But as time passes, you will see how good you look and feel and soon crave the very foods you didn't want to eat.

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Say No to These Foods That Trigger Acne

Acne Foods

Read Avoid the Worst Foods for Acne far more

People who are suffering from acne should avoid the worst foods for acne. However, this condition is caused by a lot of things, not just because of diet alone. Even the experts are unable to point out the single cause of acne formation. Still, diet can influence the body a lot, especially when it comes to acne. The wrong intake of food can lead to a worsening acne problem. You don't want that to happen, do you?

To address the diet issue right now, you must learn to pay attention to what you eat. Try classifying foods whether those are bad for acne or can help stop the progression of the said skin disease. It is always good to keep yourselves away from foods that are highly related to the growth of acne. There are not very many of them, so, it will not be much of a problem. However, you might have to give up some of your favorite munchies.

Too Much Protein in the Diet

One of the worst foods for acne is too much of animal protein. There are a number of things that can explain why you must avoid them. First, the protein found on animals is highly acidifying. Acid on the skin can cultivate the growth of certain bacteria and parasites. There must be a balance between the acidity and the alkalinity of your skin and your entire body. Maybe you should start thinking about being a vegetarian.

Sweets and Other Sugar-rich Foods

One of the best food groups in life is the sweets and sweeteners. But these are surely considered as the worst foods for acne. There is no argument on that. And this is not just about refined sugar alone, but as well as all the other sweeteners you can find in the market these days. However, it is a different story when it comes to fruits. If you are planning to take in the fruit juice alone, well, that's not a good idea. To maximize the beneficial effects of fruits, eat them whole, to include the fiber and other healthy ingredients.

Milk and other Dairy Products

People these days really love cow's milk. The taste is undeniably good. However, milk from cows or any other kind of animals is not produced for humans. That's why these milks need to be pasteurized and processed. The cows and other animals are given a number of medications too, like hormones and antibacterial agents, in order to stimulate milk production. And of course, all these can be passed on the milk. This is indeed considered as one of the worst foods for acne.

Now that you know what foods can possibly nurture the growth of acne, there must be some major changes that you need to do. It will be hard for some at first. But take it one stop at a time, and soon enough, your body will not anymore look for those certain types of foods. Don't stress your skin out; take a step to avoid the worst foods for acne.

Acne Causing Foods

Avoiding the foods that cause acne and eating those foods that are known to reduce its growth will really be helpful. Now that you know the worst foods for acne, it's time to make some changes on your diet.

Avoid the Worst Foods for Acne

Read Are There Foods That Cause Acne? Chocolate Lovers Beware! a lot more

Are There Foods That Cause Acne? Chocolate Lovers Beware!

Acne Foods

Are there certain foods that cause acne? This is an ongoing debate amongst skin care experts and dermatologists; however, there is plenty of proof that food and acne are connected. While there is no scientific evidence that there are foods that directly cause acne, there have been studies showing that certain foods can indirectly make acne skin conditions worse by influencing other factors within the body.

For instance, diet directly affects the body's insulin level. Insulin is the master hormone that influences all other hormones including androgens (male hormones). Higher androgen levels result in more oil/sebum secretion which can lead to worse acne. Therefore, it makes sense that diets that cause insulin spikes may ultimately worsen acne skin.

So what are the foods that cause acne? While diet might not be the specific cause for acne skin, there are certain foods that have been targeted as more problematic than others when it comes to acne.

Foods to Avoid:

If there is just one food you remove from your diet in order to reduce acne, make it dairy products! Dairy products are considered to be one of the main foods that cause acne. Dairy products (including cow's milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt) can aggravate acne for a number of reasons. Many people are lactose intolerant without realizing it and even a mild intolerance can result in acne.

Dairy products are also acid-forming in the body. Our bodies need to be slightly alkaline and over-acidity can lead to acne. Consuming dairy, especially non-organic dairy products, can increase the levels of hormones in the body because there are hormones in milk. An increase in hormone production often results in increased sebum secretion, clogged pores, and more acne.

"Bad" fats: Saturated fats and Trans fats.
Saturated fat is found in animal products, many dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut and palm kernel oils. Too much saturated fat is hard for the body to break down and can contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. Not to mention clogged pores.

Trans fat should be avoided at all costs! Trans fats are found in processed and packaged foods such as chips, donuts, cookies, and a multitude of other snacks in order to extend their shelf life. All of these processed foods are potential foods that cause acne skin conditions. Trans fats can lower HDL (good cholesterol) and increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and are the worse type of fat for your health. So stay away from processed and packaged foods as much as possible if you are trying to avoid foods that cause acne.

*Side Note*: Monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the good fats and you want them in your diet. They are found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish. They help attract moisture into cells and keep skin lubricated.

Refined carbohydrates and sugars:
Eating refined carbohydrates and sugar (white rice, pasta, white flour, sweets, etc) leads to a surge in insulin levels. This in turn leads to an increase in the production of androgens (male hormones), which then encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. The end result can be clogged pores and zits. The overproduction of insulin can also lead to weight gain and diabetes.

Unfortunately, sugar is found in many foods. It may also go by the names of high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, maltose, and dextrose. If you are a sugar lover, try using raw sugar instead of refined sugar or you can use real maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, or brown rice syrup as substitutes for sugar.

Most importantly, avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates, such as sucrose (table sugar), fructose, and lactose (milk sugar).

Fatty meats:
Fatty meats such as beef and pork should be avoided in order to achieve clear, glowing skin. Cooked animal protein is difficult to digest and often takes several days to get through the digestive system. During this time, it putrefies and creates toxins in the body. These toxins can manifest in acne. As with dairy products, meat is acid-forming in the body and non-organic meats often contain synthetic hormones.

If you want to eat meat, the best options are organic poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.) and organic fish. Tofu is a good substitute and if you are worried about not getting enough protein, try eating nuts, seeds, chickpeas, etc. These all contain high amounts of protein.

Excess Salt:
Salt, or sodium, is a necessary part of our diet because it retains fluid in the body's cells and plasma, among other things. If you have too little sodium in your diet, you can become dehydrated; however, too much sodium can cause the body to retain fluid. This results in bloating, weight gain, and possible kidney damage. According to the American Heart Association, we should only consume about 2.5 grams (about a teaspoon) of sodium per day! This is far less than the average American consumes on a daily basis.

Salt is also rich in iodine which has been linked to acne. If you use iodized salt, consider switching to alternate products such as celtic sea salt which you can find at gourmet or health food stores.

Caffeine stimulates hormone production, which, as described earlier, can lead to overproduction of sebum and ultimately clogged pores and zits. Caffeine can also increase some people's anxiety and stress levels which can also aggravate acne.

For people looking for ways to reduce their acne, eliminating any possible acne causing foods can help improve skin dramatically.

It's important to point out that in addition to foods that cause acne, there are also many foods that can help improve and even clear up acne. Check out this article on foods for clear skin:

And for more information on all things related to acne skin, check out:

Read Acne-How to Treat Acne During Pregnancy more


Acne is mainly caused because of hormonal changes in the body. The hormones increase production of sebum and this sebum fills the glands to form acne. During pregnancy the hormonal activity is at it's highest. But a pregnant woman may not use many acne medications. Let us find out now.

Acne and Tretinoin-

Tretinoin is one of the most common retinoids that are used to treat acne. Tretinoin clears the upper layer of the skin by peeling it off. Tretinoin gives very good results in acne treatment and in improvement of skin. But being a Vitamin A derivative, it cannot be used during pregnancy. All other retinoids also cannot be used.

Acne and isotretinoin-

Isotretinoin can treat the severe forms of acne. Isotretinoin which is a derivative of Vitamin A is taken orally to treat acne. But isotretinoin is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Not only that, you must become pregnant only after few months of your stopping use of Isotretinon. So Isotretinoin is a strictly no during pregnancy.

Acne and Antibiotics-

Many antibiotics are not allowed to be used during pregnancy. You must talk to your doctor before using any antibiotic in any form during your pregnancy.
Please read more about acne and pregnancy here-

Acne during pregnancy-what to use?

The choices are many to treat acne during pregnancy. Benzoyl peroxide, AHAs, Salicylic acid and few other products may be allowed by your doctor to treat acne. You must use any topical or oral medication even if it is OTC, only after consulting your doctor. Somehow, the acne clears off magically immediately after pregnancy. Is not that good news?

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. is a comprehensive guide for acne and other skin conditions. You will find all the information, articles and tips on skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to learn more about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc.

Acne-How to Treat Acne During Pregnancy


Study Natural Acne Treatment - All You Need to Know About Acne - Cause, Lies, Prevention and Cures far more

Natural Acne Treatment - All You Need to Know About Acne - Cause, Lies, Prevention and Cures

Acne Causing Foods

What is acne?

Acne occur as a result of disorder in the sebaceous gland, this gland is responsible for oil production. Major outbreak of pimples or zits begin to surface (some call it lesions). This has been a major problem over the years with close to 20 million people in the united states alone suffering from acne. It usually surface on the skin, the neck, shoulder and the face, where it causes major embarrassment. Acne could be mild or severe. Severe acne causes real scares, complete alteration of one's beauty.

If you have ever suffered it before you know the pain and embarrassments it carries along especially after trying all sorts of expensive cream without any positive outcome.

This could be very disheartening especially when possible solutions become as useless as possible. Doctors' advise seem not to work and all sorts of medications almost aggravated the problem.

Lies about acne

1. Acne treatment must be expensive:

This is one of the stupid lies that flies around about acne treatment. The use of heavily medicated cleansers are not in anyway the solution to acne problems. Sometimes they aggravate the problems on ground. Care is very much needed in choosing and taking the solutions that are available.

2. Chocolate and oily foods:

There has no research proven the existence of this. Therefore it remain vague. No doubt too much of chocolate can add the acne problems but chocolate solely is not in anyway responsible for acne. A well balanced diet is ok.

3. Stress cause acne:

This is not really true. Stress stimulate the body enzyme and immune systems to cause a stimulation of the oil glands.

4. Fried foods cause acne:

Excess fried foods causes us to gain weight. However, fried foods have not been shown to be related to causing acne. In fact, there are no any specific foods that cause acne. Including chocolate.

5. Acne contagious:

No, acne is not contagious. Scratching can spread it to other parts of your body or face. Washing both hands and face on a regular basis and not picking at acne lesions will decrease the likelihood of new acne lesions developing.

What causes acne?

Two or more factors can cause

The most common causes of acne are an increased production of sebaceous material due to hormone
imbalance or side effects of stress that cause an overproduction of sebaceous material.

However, almost always with the occurrence of acne, there is also a related phenomenon called retention keratosis. These two big words actually refer to the lining cells of the sebaceous duct not shedding properly and staying in place for a longer period of time.

This builds up like rust in a pipe until the duct is closed or blocked. When this happens, it sets events occurring that proceed to inflammation or an irritation underneath the surface of the skin. If one imagines that the sebaceous duct were a small stream that got plugged up, it causes a backup of everything upstream from the direction of flow.

Treatments for acne

The main goal of acne treatment is to prevent scarring.

1. Increase the variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet

Create delicious smoothies and juices from ripe fruit, have at least one salad every day - even just as a side dish - with your main meal, and snack on nuts and dried fruits

2. Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two litres of still mineral water

Dryness of skin can also lead to blockage resulting in further acne

3. Supplements & super foods

Sometimes it's not possible to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients required to obtain and maintain clear skin.

4. Avoid chemical products on your skin

At least you have tried it and has refused to wok. Try the natural methods.

5. Reduce your intake of caffeine

Caffeine increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks.

6. Keep your linen clean

You should remember to wash your linen- do this very often to eradicate all acne possibilities.

7. Eat and drink healthy

As much as possible, cut down on the amount of sugary foods and drinks you consume. It will reduce your acne problems a great deal.

8. Also you are expected to consult your dermatologists who knows about your conditions very well.

Tosin Samuel is a seasoned writer and write a lot about health issues. You can read more on acne and little dirty secrets about acne at [] There are several other ways to prevent, cure and stop acne in 24-72hours. Get more on acne at [] free, no strings attached

Examine Foods That Cause Acne - Six Foods You Must Avoid to Reduce Your Acne Problem a lot more

Foods That Cause Acne - Six Foods You Must Avoid to Reduce Your Acne Problem

Acne Foods

The problem of acne cannot be easily dismissed since it affects your skin, which is the largest organ in your body. You must therefore establish a healthy diet that will produce balance in your system and improve skin health. You need to focus on what is inside your body since this is important in protecting your skin against all sorts of blemishes. In your effort to treat or prevent acne, you need to identify what types of food might trigger the formation of acne.

There are common foods that cause acne that you should be wary about and they are each discussed below.

1. Fats and Oils

It is common fact that the a diet that is high in fat content is dangerous to your health. To be specific, this can debilitate your circulatory system or cause your blood sugar level to rise at a dangerous level. But one of the more common effects it has on your body is to produce hormonal imbalances leading to overproduction of sebum in your oil glands that produce blockage in your skin pores. You could probably remember suffering from an acne breakout soon after eating foods that are high in fat or consuming too much processed foods. The fat is rapidly absorbed by your body and stored within, which can cause serious problems in the long run.

2. Dairy Products

In addition to foods high in fat, you can also experience hormonal imbalances when you have had too much food containing too much hormones such as milk from a pregnant cow. And as you might have known, hormonal imbalance leads to increase in oil production on your skin that inevitably causes acne formation.

3. Refined carbohydrates and sugar

Sugar is unhealthy to include in your diet since it is basically an empty calorie due to the fact that it contains no nutritional value. And apart from being a risk to your health, excessive sugar intake can cause your blood sugar level to rise that will consequently bring a surge in production of hormones and insulin. It therefore promotes oil production and an increase in the presence of acne-causing bacteria.

4. Caffeine

Caffeine is considered unhealthy when present in excess in your diet since it has been known to cause sleeping troubles, produce a long-lasting negative effect on your health, inhibit stress control that lead to hormonal imbalances while also promoting the release of hormones that aggravate problems of acne.

5. Processed foods

If you are trying to battle acne, you need to avoid processed foods since it may contain lots of additives, artificial colors and flavoring, and preservatives. These substances accumulate inside your body and turn into toxins that are harmful if not eliminated from your system. One way for your body to get rid of these toxins is through your skin, which can cause more irritation on existing acne. When combined with all other harmful substances consumed by your body such as fats, refined sugars, and other food chemicals, it could even trigger an allergic reaction.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol has always been considered unhealthy for the body since it can affect your stress levels, while it can also be detrimental in your effort to lose acne since it promotes production of hormones. One other factor associated with the dangers of consuming alcohol is that one typically does so in an environment that increases your chances of binging. And when one is under the influence of alcohol, s/he loses the discretionary ability to choose to eat only healthy foods.

Go to foods that cause acne For a natural holistic program that will eliminate the fundamental cause of your acne or go to

Examine Foods That Cause Acne more

Foods That Cause Acne

Acne Causing Foods

Are you having problems when it comes to acne or pimples? The fact is that causes of pimples can be attributed to a number of factors. Although regular application of cleansers can dramatically decrease an acne breakout, these are not the sole factors that you should watch out for.

Although the skin may be exposed to the outside elements, the components that it uses to flourish are taken in from the inside. This means that treating them from the outside is not enough, you must also nourish them from the inside. This is where foods that cause acne come in.

You might have heard that there are really no foods that cause acne and what you heard is true. It's not the food themselves; it's the reaction of the body to these foods that triggers an acne attack. You see, the changing amount of sugar in the body can cause hormonal changes. In turn, the spike in our hormones triggers the body into a pimple overload. Such is the case with adolescents who are experiencing the first bouts of an overactive hormone.

So what food types are capable of affecting our blood sugar in a big way? Soft drinks, chocolates plus other sweet foods comes into mind. Fat and dairy products can also affect body sugar levels, which is why cheese is considered as an acne trigger.

Food Alternatives

So what should you eat to minimize acne? The usual fresh fruits and vegetables would be your best bet. However, it has been noted that people react to different foods in different ways. For example, there are those who are unaffected by dairy products while a piece of chocolate triggers the birth of pimples. If you are already suffering from acne, then it is recommended that you experiment by cutting off certain food products in your diet. There's a chance that some of the food that you eat trigger your acne although they are no way related to those mentioned above.

Other Causes of Pimples

Of course, as mentioned above, food is not the major issue when it comes to causes of pimples. Hygiene is and will always be your biggest concern. Look for cleansers that contain benzyl peroxide as an ingredient since these are very good in cleaning out blocked pores as a result of exposure to dirt.

Stress and lack of sleep are also considered as pimple triggers and although this does not apply to everyone, it doesn't hurt to get an even eight hours of sleep every day. Keep in mind that pimples are skin irritations and irritating them further is also a probable cause of acne. Hence, if you have a pimple, leave it alone to disappear by itself. Trying to pop it or even frequent touching can only spread the bacteria, prompting your skin to grow more pimples instead of disappearing completely.

Understand that the best course of action altogether is preventing acne from breaking out. You'll find that just by living a healthy, clean life, you'll be saving yourself from future acne scar problems.

Do you want more information about causes of pimples? Check out the website of Allan Pooh. You will find a lot of additional information about foods that cause acne.

Go through How To Cure Acne - The Top 3 Foods That Really Heal Acne Effectively more

Some foods are really great for your acne condition. Foods that contain a lot of fibers,vitamins and minerals prove to be a real saver for those who want to treat acne naturally. By eating some good foods, it really makes some big difference in your acne condition. This article aims to show you some of the best foods you can eat to naturally treat your acne condition.

Before I go on and talk more on the foods that can heal your acne, I would first like to advise you to stay away from foods that are not healthy, especially those that contain a lot of fats and chemical additives. This is for some good reasons. Foods that contain a lot of fats and chemical additives heavily burden the liver and kidney. When these detoxifying organs get to stressed they don't work as well as they should. More toxins will not be able to be removed from your body and might cause your acne condition to get worse.

1. Carrots

Carrots alone might be able to treat your acne completely! It really is that effective.The fibers contained in carrots can help detoxify your body so that the toxins in your body can be removed. Carrots also contain tons of vitamin A. One thing you should know about vitamin A is that the lack of vitamin A can cause acne. Some people might have acne because of this reason. Vitamin A is also capable of treating acne superbly effective. So to treat your acne condition faster, you should eat more carrots.

2. Ginger and garlic

Ginger and garlic are the best natural antibiotics in the world. By consuming ginger and garlic, your immune system will be improved dramatically and the bacterias that cause acne can be killed and disposed from the body smoothly without causing any infection or inflammation. Ginger and garlic are best taken raw such as in juice form. Ginger and garlic also contain some anti inflammatory elements which can be very effective in removing and reducing the redness and swelling caused by acne.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Although most people agree that fruits and vegetables are great for the body's health, many still don't eat enough of them. In our case of treating acne, fruits and vegetables provide just the right amount of fiber to detoxify our body effectively. The vitamins and minerals contained in fruits and vegetables can also help in acne. For example, pineapple and orange contain a lot of vitamin C, an antioxidant that can prevent and repair damages on the skin cells, also accelerates the healing process of acne.


Getting rid of acne is easy if you just know what works and what works not. If I tell you that it is possible to cure your acne in just two months, without spending any money on medical treatment and products, would you believe me? You better be, because I am a living proof that shows it is possible to cure acne of any severity in just 2 months.

Click here to learn my secrets and learn HOW YOU can also treat your acne in less than two months without spending any money on any expensive products and antibiotics.

Ooh, did I mention that the acne condition I was having was among the most severe my dermatologist, father, mother, school teachers, the clerk in the office, and many other people had ever seen? I had hundreds of acne on my face until I learned the secret to cure acne.

You can access to the secrets I have learned, just by visiting my site. on acne, its causes and how you can treat it It contains some of the best information on acne so you have no reason not to check it out.

How To Cure Acne - The Top 3 Foods That Really Heal Acne Effectively

Go through Cystic Acne and Junk Food additional

Cystic Acne and Junk Food

Acne Foods

Acne Foods

In order to get rid of cystic acne, it's an excellent idea to avoid junk food. Some people, no matter what they do in terms of diet, exercise, and general lifestyle changes, continue to have cystic acne that requires medical treatment. You may be an example of the extremely fortunate individual whose skin responds just to changes in diet. It's unfair, however, to suggest that an improved diet will be a panacea for all people with acne.

Obviously, if an individual notices a connection between eating a certain food, for example, chocolate, shell fish, spinach, fried foods, and breakouts, he or she should avoid those foods. But not everyone has such clear flags.

But food is not the only cause for cystic acne. Frankly I sometimes wonder if more people don't have adult acne because of our toxic environment, including our food. Or maybe part of it is that everybody didn't feel as great a need to be perfect in the past. Maybe more people are seeking acne treatment now than in the past, I'm not saying that seeking treatment is necessarily a bad thing; if help is available, why not take advantage of it?

My advice is to press the doctor for something else and if it doesn't work seek a new doctor who will prescribe Accutane or something similar for a five-month course. Cystic acne is just too unpleasant a condition to be lived with if there is a medication that can control it and the risks are reasonable.

Cystic Acne [] - Medical information and tips on how to get rid of acne []

Read through Natural Acne Skin Care - The Secret To Curing Acne additional

Acne Causing Foods

There is tons of products in the market that are catered for acne. However, most of them are not effective but yet acne sufferers are relying too heavily on them. Acne occurs due to underlying found in our body which cannot be treated by mere acne creams alone. Even taking antibiotics will not help but worsen the problem instead. I will share with you some natural acne skin care tips that will help you cure your acne fast and without any side effects.

The first thing you need to know are the causes of acne. Most people do not know what the causes of acne are and this is like battling with an opponent that you cannot see. Acne happens when your body suffers from hormonal imbalance and as a result you have a body prone to inflammation, oily skin and high skin cells turnover rate.

Most products treat these superficial problems but neglected the main problems that cause these superficial symptoms to occur.

To get rid of acne permanently, you will need to make some changes to your diet. When you eat too much highly processed food, you are accumulating toxins in the body. These toxins clog up your body elimination organs such as liver, kidney and colon which will inevitably lead to ill health and acne.

Avoid these foods with natural foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts. This is a much more natural diet for our body and they are packed with highly essential nutrients which our body needs to stay healthy. Stay away from high sugar content food, refined carbohydrates such as white rice and ready cooked frozen food. These foods can are what I labeled as acne causing food which can worsen your acne condition.

To treat your current acne, natural ingredients are preferred over products that contain harsh chemicals. Try out aloe vera and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a great natural ingredient for acne. It contains antibacterial properties and can help to reduce inflammation. Apply it on your skin for twice a day can help to cure acne as fast as in 3 days.

Aloe vera also can help to reduce inflammation and it also helps to hasten the healing process. It is best to use the raw aloe vera but if you find it too much hassle to do so, go to your nearest pharmacy to look for aloe vera products. The first ingredient in the ingredient list is the largest amount in the product. Do remember to check to ingredient list to make sure that the first ingredient is aloe vera instead of water so that the effect of aloe vera is not diluted.

Next, click on the link and read this ebook by Mike Walden and he will teach you what you need to know to cure your acne in 4 weeks time. >>> Acne No More Review

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he used the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that Mike Walden teaches to help him to cure his acne in just 4 weeks time. He writes about severe acne treatment and also share with you tips on his blog to help you clear your acne fast.

Natural Acne Skin Care - The Secret To Curing Acne

Examine Foods That Cause Acne - Avoid These Foods far more

Foods That Cause Acne - Avoid These Foods

Acne Causing Foods

In this century of glamour and fashion, everybody wants to have clear skin and thus they take every step in trying to get the glow and attractiveness of the skin they are in. One of the biggest problems of this skin cautious society is acne. Acne can pop up any time and on anyone so one has to take care to avoid foods that cause acne and follow measures so they do not suffer from the problem again. Acne is caused by many reasons such as lack of sleep, resting your hand on your face, stress, and excessive mental pressures. There are also certain foods that cause acne, as they are rich in sugar related substances that not only produced acne but also causes other problems as well. Thus, one of the remedies available to the people is to alter their diet as the foods you eat may be the cause of acne, and you will never know it. One should also understand that washing one's face several times is not the remedy available to get rid of acne and other spots. Foods that cause acne are rich in sugar and related substances that stimulate the production of hormones in the form of excessive secretion. Hormones so secreted trigger excessive oil secretion and that together with keratin clogs the skin pores resulting in more acne. It is found that changing a person's diet may result in elimination of acne. Some of the foods that cause acne are:

Foods with Saturated Fats

One should not eat many foods that are full of saturated fats. Fats are harmful for the body and they can trigger acne. Foods that are rich in saturated fats include burgers, pizzas, french fries, and other junk foods. Avoid the foods that cause acne and you can see the result.

Vegetable Oils

Vegetable oils and other dishes that are made out of vegetable oils cause acne. These foods include pasta sauces, chips, and more. Oil is the main food that results in secretion of hormones that causes acne. Moreover, these are rich in sugar-based substances that are considered as one of the main ingredients that cause acne.


Sugar is probably one of the most destructive foods that causes acne. Sugar as a substance is harmful to the body as it results in acne breakouts if the levels are not monitored. Thus, substances and foods that are rich in sugar should be avoided or eaten in less quantities to avoid a breakout. Some of the food products that contain a high level of sugar are sugary sodas, cakes, candy, cookies, chocolates, etc. These cause a fluctuations in one's insulin levels and thus cause acne.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are the most harmful sort of foods that cause acne. Products such as cheese, milk, and butter that are rich in fat and contain sugar prove to have the most fatal effect of all. Cheese is one such product that, if consumed in higher quantities, can cause acne.

Visit [] for a big list of foods that cause acne [].

Understand Do Fatty Foods Cause Acne? a lot more

This is a question that many people have been pondering over for years. Some people simply assume that it does, while a few others consider it as a myth. For some, it is a doubt that lingers around. Perhaps, you too have come across various rumors about fat and acne. But, can you imagine cutting out pizza, ice-creams, French fries and chocolates from your diet? That is, if they are your favorite snacks! Let's go on to discuss this matter in detail.

Imagine a teenage boy gulping down several servings of fried chicken and waking up the next day with red bulges over his skin. Are the zits related to the fatty food? Until recently, the answer would have been a 'no', but today, studies suggest that there 'may be' a connection. The fat you eat does not directly re-emerge on your skin. But, it stimulates hormonal reactions, which in turn triggers acne breakouts. You're probably aware that acne is caused by hormonal imbalance that leads to overactive sebaceous glands in your skin. The excess oil or sebum secreted by these glands clogs the skin pores, allowing bacterial growth. The response of your immune system inflames the portion and causes bumps. So, what you eat matters. And fatty foods affect your skin indirectly.

Being the largest organ of your body, your skin is prone to some sort of influence by the foods you consume. What exactly happens when too much of fat is ingested? When you consume fatty and oily foods or sugary foods, the pancreas produces more insulin. This in turn leads to increased secretion of androgen, a male hormone that is responsible for hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. It results in excessive sebum production, and so on. We just discussed it in the previous paragraph.

What kind of fats should you avoid? Fat is a nutrient required by your body and hence, you cannot deprive your body of an essential nutrient. It is only when you consume too much of it, that you face a problem. Saturated fats are considered as unhealthy fats, as they distress your immune system, increase inflammation and trigger the oil glands. They are linked to other health disorders including heart problems. On the other hand, healthy fats contained in fish oil, flax oil and olive oil have anti-inflammatory properties that are good for your body.

Pay attention to your diet as a whole and avoid overly spicy, greasy, fatty and processed foods, which increase your hormone production and trigger the oil glands. During your teens, your body is already under the influence of hormonal changes, so you must make up your mind to adopt a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is true that your genetics and skin type are important factors that decide the intensity of your acne. But, you can have control provided you are ready to inculcate certain healthy habits. There are natural acne treatment methods that work from inside -- they don't treat the superficial symptoms temporarily - and correct your metabolism to treat acne. Clearade reviews throw light on this issue and help you understand the process involved in oil metabolism. There are acne vitamins and natural remedies that are known to give positive results.

It just takes a little effort on your part to examine the kinds of food you consume and the kind of lifestyle you pursue. Ultimately, a balanced diet, a good exercise regime, sufficient sleep and other healthy habits will boost your overall health and also keep you acne free.

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. You may make use of his acne treatment reviews to effectively deal with your acne and to know more about the most sought-after Clearade acne treatment.

Do Fatty Foods Cause Acne?

Acne Foods

Study Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention additional

Acne, zits, pizza face. You've surely heard all the slang out there. For many it's the thing jokes are made from. To some it is a minor convenience that will be outgrown over time. To some though, acne is much more than a minor inconvenience. It can become a serious problem. One which can not only be physically damaging, but mentally as well.

What is Acne? Acne is an affliction normally associated with teenagers. Acne appears when follicles, or pores in the skin are clogged. Oil that usually escapes to the skin's surface is then trapped, where bacteria begins to grow and acne forms.

There are different types of acne, from mild cases such as whiteheads & blackheads, to more serious and potentially disfiguring cases like, acne conglobata. Mild cases and normally easy to treat, while more severe cases, may require more aggressive therapy to control.

There is no definitive cause of acne, but there are several factors believed to play a part. The most important factor is believed to be increased levels of androgens, the male sex hormone, which increases in males and females during puberty. Another factor may be heredity, where the gene causing the development of acne is passed down from parent(s) to children. Certain drug use may also contribute, as well as certain cosmetics, which could potentially alter the cells in the follicle, causing the follicle to stick together.

Contrary to popular believe, eating chocolate or greasy food will not cause acne to form, though diet is thought to help in the prevention of acne is some people.

Treatment of typical cases of acne usually includes over the counter products containing, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid. These chemicals have proven effective in the treatment of mild cases of acne. It is advised not to pick or squeeze Acne, as you will increase the risk is scarring. Scrubbing the acne with a loofah or any other method is also not recommended, as scrubbing only makes it worse.

More severe or resistant Acne will require treatment by a licenced Dermatologist. A Dematologist may prescribe topical treatments such as Retinoids, or Antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed, as well as hormonal treatment in severe cases, like accutane. Accutane is used as a last resort for those for which other treatments have been ineffective.

The prevention of acne may be as simple as keeping your hands and hair off your face, as your hands and hair contain oils which may contribute and contaminate the pores of your face. Other prevention tips include the reduction of stress in your everyday life, exercise regularly, as well as eating a balanced diet. Warm baths and getting plenty of sleep may also contribute in the prevention of acne. It is also advised that makeup be used sparingly and be removed completely when not needed.

Acne is a difficult affliction for some to deal with, but with the right treatments and lifestyle changes, can be managed and minimized. Some will surely outgrown it in time, but those who do not, have options to improve their quality of life.

Acne Causing Foods

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne []

Acne - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Acne Causing Foods

Study Things That Trigger Acne Breakouts in Adults extra

Acne is not just something that everyone gets. There are things you can do to keep acne away and prevent it. Acne breakouts can be terrible and very stressful. Lets see what things we can do every day to prevent acne from causing all those terrible social and personal problems. The first topic to explore is what foods to avoid and what foods to eat more of.

It is scientifically known that our bodies react differently from eating certain foods. It is hard to get it down to an exact science of what foods trigger acne breakouts in every single person, but there is a general list. Some things that have a high risk of causing acne include refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, foods high in fat, caffeine, red meat, and alcohol. If you do have acne, try to eliminate some of these things from your diet. Besides this list, also avoid certain things that contain high levels of acid.

The next few big acne breakout triggers include hormones. Even in adults hormonal fluctuations can be a problem because it increases the amount of sebum released from sebaceous glands. This makes your skin oily and can be clogged easily. Cosmetics can also be a big factor in causing acne in adults. Cosmetic products with high oil based ingredients can cause acne. Also keep in mind using steroids, certain medications, or birth control pills may cause bad skin break outs in adults.

Finally, the last major issue with acne in adults is heredity. If any one of your parents had acne at some point, you are at risk to get acne also. This is just genetics and how we are made. There are solutions though, many great acne products are out and the most effective ones seem to be natural ingredient based solutions.

Acne Causing Foods

To find the best natural acne treatments that work check out Clear Skin Max

Things That Trigger Acne Breakouts in Adults

Acne Causing Foods

Understand What Food Causes Acne? much more

What Food Causes Acne?

Acne Causing Foods

Acne Causing Foods

There are many ways to treat acne, but not many are actually effective. Find out which way I currently use to stay clear-skinned...

Having suffered from acne for many years I tried lots of different treatments, from antibiotics and accutane to expensive cleansers and herbal formulas...

And none of these worked to help me clear my acne. I even tried the 3 day apple fast (acne free in 3 days) but found that it was impractical and didn't give me long lasting results. It wasn't until I started to find out about the root cause of acne that I cleared my plagued skin. This is caused by imbalanced hormones. Some foods cause imbalanced hormones, other foods cause hormones to become more in balance. So the key is to eat the right foods, and avoid the wrong foods. Once I started to do this my acne cleared up.

The worst food for imbalancing hormones and causing acne is vegetable oil. It causes the worst kinds of breakouts that often take weeks to disappear. Vegetable oil is found as a cooking oil, in some junk food and in pesto and other sauces. I found that I was eating a lot of vegetable oil on a daily basis, which I didn't know about until I checked!

Vegetable oil is actually very easy to avoid, and by doing so you'll have significantly clearer skin, and an end to the worst cystic acne you get. For much more information on clearing your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

Understand How to Deal With Pimples - The 3 Best Acne Fighting Foods much more

Acne is an annoying common problem adults face and almost every day there is a new "miracle cure" The truth is there is no such thing as a magic pill that will make it all disappear overnight. These overnight cures you hear ab out on the television and online are generally products that do not produce results The goal of these companies are simply tot take your money. The great news it by eating the proper foods one can learn how to deal with pimples by using these 3 best acne fighting foods.

A couple years ago I learned first hand the importance of treating and preventing acne by eating properly. I consumed about eight can coke per day and I am not going to get into all the junk food I ate. As a result I had a really severe case of adult acne. Like many of you I turned to the internet to find a fast acne cure. I bought creams, gels, pills and even a couple of gadgets. Needless to say I did not get good results, as a matter of fact I think they made my acne worse. I came to the conclusion after spending hundreds of dollars that these supposed instant acne cures are scams.

I was aggravated and annoyed with myself for being so naive. I realized the only way to get rid of my acne was to talk to my doctor. We looked at my diet, overall health and skin care regimen and determined that I was the cause of my acne. My doctor talked me about eating properly and taking care of my skin. He suggested by cutting out the sugar and processed foods that I would get d of my acne and see a drastic change for the better in my overall health.

Treat and Prevent Pimples Super Food - Oatmeal

Oatmeal is awesome for acne when cooked and applied to the face. Oatmeal will penetrate the pores and cause them to open up. Oatmeal has many healing and soothing qualities which is great for skin that is in need of repair. I advise people to do an oatmeal treatment at least once a week to keep the facial skin healthy.

Treat and Prevent Zits Super Food - Acai-Berry

I know a great deal of people strongly promoting this powerful berry for every health problem under the sun but acai berry is excellent for the treatment of acne. This berry is great because it really does help the body to rid itself of toxins. Clearing toxins from our body is a crucial part to treating and preventing acne. The toxins that get stored in our body often manifest themselves in various forms of acne and facial blemishes. The Acai Berry helps our body get rid of the toxins. This berry can be taken in capsule form or drink form and while it will not cure or prevent acne overnight it will help.

Treat and Prevent Acne Super Food - Carrots

Oddly enough the third best food for treating and preventing acne is carrots. They are a high source of vitamin A. Carrots contain a great deal of minerals also which help the body to maintain the proper pH balance. Fruits and vegetables tend to counteract an imbalance in the body.

Its very important while eating these super foods that you drink enough water. Water helps hydrate our bodies and encourages the body to release the toxins that are stored in our bodies. When combined with drinking plenty of water these foods will help the skin by exfoliation and getting rid of harmful toxins. Eating these 3 acne fighting foods on a regular basis will help you deal with pimples much quicker.

Acne Foods

Discover quick and easy ways to treat and prevent pimples from the privacy of your own home. You have lived with ugly pimples and blemishes long enough. You owe it to yourself to visit

How to Deal With Pimples - The 3 Best Acne Fighting Foods

Acne Foods

Go through Reduce Acne Breakouts Today - Top 5 Super Foods For Acne Revealed a lot more

How badly do you want to have a flawless looking face? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Living a healthier lifestyle is the holistic approach to clear skin and it can work for everyone if done correctly. It is important to live a healthy lifestyle in all areas. This article will discuss the diet and acne aspect. There are tons of super foods that can help reduce oxidative stress, improve insulin resistance, and prevent hormonal imbalances which all lead to acne. This article will briefly discuss tasty super foods that will point you towards the right direction to clear skin.


All berries are filled with antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Free radicals kill off white blood cells and are very harmful to your bodily systems. This leads to acne. Thus, it is incredibly important to consume as many antioxidant rich foods as possible. It is best to eat a wide variety of berries to get maximum benefits as each berry has its own antioxidants.


Green leafy vegetables are essential for good health and glowing skin. Spinach, kale, collared greens, celery, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, and carrot tops are the first greens that just came to my mind. Spinach is the most mild tasting and is one of the best greens for you. Greens are great in smoothies, soups, salads, sandwiches, and added as a garnish to any other dish. Be sure to rotate your greens for maximum benefits. Celery with some 100% natural, pure nut butter is a very healthy & tasty snack.

Green Smoothies

I love talking about green smoothies. I eat a green smoothie every morning as part of my breakfast. A green smoothie is simply greens and fruit blended together with water as needed. I usually include some type of berry, sometimes a few as they are the most antioxidant rich fruit and are full of flavor. Add a banana, mango, papaya, etc. for a perfect texture. Be sure to eat a green smoothie alone and on an empty stomach as fruit is best eaten this way. Wait thirty minutes prior to eating other food to allow for proper digestion.


I have been discovering more and more about this delicious super food just recently. I love to add coconut to just about anything as it adds a rich flavor. Coconut has a lot of the good saturated fat. Add to your green smoothie, chicken dishes, cereal, healthy dessert, anything you can think of. Coconut milk is a great alternative to cows milk which should be avoided by all acne sufferers. Coconut oil is also an excellent for cooking or used as a salad dressing.


If you are going to eat eggs then purchase organic, free range eggs if you can afford it. They contain a lot more nutrition. Eggs are full of nutrients that help feed the skin. I enjoy a veggie filled omelet 3 days a week. I eat pancakes every Sunday which also contains eggs. A green smoothie and omelet creates an excellent breakfast that will reduce the amount of acne breakouts as long as you are living healthy in all areas of health.


Before I conclude with this article I would like to thank you for taking the time to read through it all. All 5 of the super foods listed are incredibly delicious and should be added to your diet immediately if you do not already consume them. A green smoothie with any kind of berry along with a veggie filled omelet creates the perfect anti acne breakfast. Add coconut to anything you wish, even make coconut bread or coconut pancakes, and be sure to add as many antioxidant rich foods to your diet as you possibly can.

Acne Foods

For more information on how to reduce acne breakouts and how to live a healthier lifestyle in order to obtain clear skin then visit my blog at

Reduce Acne Breakouts Today - Top 5 Super Foods For Acne Revealed

Go through Acne Vulgaris - the Causes and Treatments for Acne Vulgaris additional

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin disorder affecting susceptible hair follicles, most commonly found on the neck, upper trunk, and face. It is described by comedones (which are primary lesions of acne) that are both open and closed, and by cysts, nodules, pustules, and papules.

Acne is one of the most frequently encountered skin diseases in adolescents. Both genders are affected equally, but onset in girls is a little earlier. This may be because girls reach puberty at a younger age than boys. Acne is more noticeable during adolescence because the endocrine glands that influence the sebaceous glands (responsible for secretion of sebum or oil) are on their highest performance. Acne seems to have stemmed from the interaction of hormonal, bacterial, and genetic factors.

Causes of Acne Vulgaris

During childhood, the sebaceous glands are small and virtually nonfunctioning. These glands are under endocrine control, especially by the androgens. During puberty, androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing them to enlarge and secrete natural oil called sebum, which rises to the top of the hair follicle and flows out onto the skin surface. In adolescents who develop acne, androgenic stimulation produces a heightened response in the sebaceous glands so that acne occurs when accumulated sebum plugs the pilosebaceuos ducts. This accumulated material forms comedones.

The primary lesions of acne are comedones. Closed comedones (whiteheads) are obstructive lesions formed from impacted lipids or oils and keratin that plug the dilated follicle. They are small, whitish papules with minute follicular openings that generally cannot be seen. These closed comedones may evolve into open comedones, in which the contents of the ducts are in open communication with the external environment. The color of open comedones (blackheads) results not from dirt, but from an accumulation of lipid, bacterial, and epithelial debris.

Treatments of Acne Vulgaris

Although the exact cause is unknown, some closed comedones may rupture, resulting in an inflammatory reaction caused by leakage of follicular contents (e.g., sebum, keratin, bacteria) into the dermis. This inflammatory response may result form the action of certain bacteria, such as proprionibacterium acnes, that live in the hair follicles and break down the triglycerides of the sebum into free fatty acids and glycerin. The resultant inflammation is seen clinically as erythematous papules, inflammatory pustules, and inflammatory cysts. Mild papules and cysts drain and heal on their own without treatment. Deeper papules and cysts may result in scarring of the skin. Acne is usually graded as mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number and type of lesions (e.g., comedones, papules, pustules, cysts).

Acne oftentimes leaves behind small scars in the skin. Acne has different types, according to its shape or form. Ice pick scars are described as deep pits shaped like inverted volcanoes. Box car scars, as the name imply, are shaped like boxes or angular shapes. Rolling scars appear like waves, while hypertrophic scars are keloid or thickened scars.

The goals of management of acne are to reduce bacterial colonies, decrease sebaceous gland activity, prevent the follicles from becoming plugged, reduce inflammation, combat secondary infection, minimize scarring, and eliminate factors that predispose the person to acne. The therapeutic regimen depends on the type of lesion.

There is no predictable cure for acne vulgaris, but combinations of therapies are available that can effectively control its activity.


Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment. You might be interested in Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment - the Whats, Whys, and Direction for Use and Acne Light Treatment - Light Therapy in Treating Acne.

Acne Vulgaris - the Causes and Treatments for Acne Vulgaris


Go through Acne Infection - How Does Acne Spread? far more

Acne infection has often been termed as a menace of sorts. While most individuals are stated to develop blemishes while still in their teens, there are numerous reports which clearly state that the infection can spread to another person if care is not taken on a timely basis. Well, here is how the infection spreads.

By Touching And Scratching
In case you have acne on your face. If it is a whitehead, it may contain pus. Whenever we try and remove the whitehead with force, we tend to secrete the pus onto our skin. When the pus is spread across our skin, we tend to infect it even further. This in turn leads to severe infection, thereby giving rise to numerous other whiteheads.

By Spreading The Liquid
Interestingly, blemishes can be spread across the skin if you have the ability to smear the liquid pus from one location to another. In simple words, if you are habitual of picking your whiteheads way too often, you can easily smear the liquid to other parts of the skin. Whenever this happens, you are indirectly spreading the infection to all the other parts of your skin.

By Being Careless
Carelessness is another reason why you tend to spread the skin infection to other parts of your skin. If the infection is present in the form of whiteheads, you need to be very careful and avoid picking on them way too often. To be able to look good and maintain a flawless skin tone, you would be required to apply an anti-blemish on your skin. This needs to be done on a regular basis. 


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Acne Infection - How Does Acne Spread?

Read through Do Certain Foods Cause Acne? far more

If you have acne, and have asked yourself, "Do certain foods cause acne?", then I would like to show you how certain foods can affect how your skin reacts, and how you can cut the number of acne outbreaks you have, by simply cutting a few foods from your diet.

No matter what people tell you or what you read, it is a proven fact that certain foods do cause acne outbreaks, and that eating them can have a major effect on how your skin reacts. Many top skin dermatologists still tell their patients that food has no impact on their skin, and it simply is not true.

You have to stop believing the old myths about acne and blackheads. You can put as many creams on your skin, or take as many tablets as you like, but in the long run you will only make the situation worse. The real way to get rid of your acne for good is to carry out a few things into your daily routine, and changing your diet is a major step.

Do certain foods cause acne?

I am no expert in skin care, but I do know what works for me and many other people who suffer with acne. Everybody has different reactions to certain foods, and it can take a while to see which foods can work for you.

The first step is to cut these foods from your diet.

1. Sugar. A high sugary diet can and will lead to acne outbreaks in certain people. Cut as much sugar from your diet as you can, but still try to keep up a healthy diet too. You will find many natural sugars in fruits and certain vegetables, so finding the right balance is important.

2. Processed foods. This is another type of food which has been proven to cause acne. The main problem with processed foods is that they are now in high volume in our western diet. If you can, try to stay away from them.

3. Greasy foods. High fat foods such as pizza, chips and any type of deep fried foods have also been shown to cause acne outbreaks in certain cases. Cutting these from your diet should be easy. Many people have busy lifestyles, and eating these types of greasy fast foods just becomes part of their daily routine. Try and snack on low-fat and sugar-free food instead.

It's common to see positive results in just a couple of days when you change your diet.

Acne Causing Foods

The second step to getting clearer skin is to take it to the next level. Please take a look at Acne Free in 3 Days, and discover how you can become clear of acne forever, in just a couple of simple steps. Click Here

Do Certain Foods Cause Acne?

Read Which Food Causes Your Acne extra

Which Food Causes Your Acne

Acne Causing Foods

Acne Causing Foods

There are many causes of acne, and one of the easiest to control is the food you eat. One specific food that is incredibly bad for your skin is called vegetable oil. Find out how it causes your acne, and what to do about it...

Vegetable oil causes the production of inflammatory hormones. These inflammatory hormones cause excess skin oil which results in acne. A VERY SIMPLE and EASY way to reduce and even clear your acne is to reduce and even stop your intake of vegetable oil!

I used to suffer from terrible acne. More acne would appear each day than would disappear, so I constantly had lots of acne on my face. And everyday I would eat some food with vegetable oil in it. The link was there, but I didn't know about vegetable oil causing acne back then...

How much vegetable oil you eat each day will greatly affect how much acne you get, and also, how bad your acne will be. I highly recommend you cut down today. Go and check the ingredients of all the food you eat regularly and make sure no vegetable oil is in it.

Here is short list of food that usually contains vegetable oil:

- Cookies (biscuits)

- Chips (crisps)

- Pesto/Pasta Sauces

- Cooking oils (pure vegetable oil!)

Simply avoiding this acne causing food is the best way to reduce your acne today. For me, I saw a dramatic improvement in my acne in just a few short days after avoiding vegetable oil.

For information on how I completely cleared my acne visit my free website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

Read through How Does Vitamin E Prevent Acne Outbreaks? far more

You might want to call it "one of the hardest working vitamins in your body". Vitamin E protects the nerves, lungs and heart from oxidative damage. Along with these vital tasks, vitamin E still manages to stave off acne lesions.

There are eight different forms of vitamin E. The most active form of vitamin E in the body is the potent antibiotic alpha-tocopherol (α-tocopherol).

The link between pimples and vitamin E

Acne manifests because of a number of bodily changes including hormonal fluctuations, immunological weaknesses or environmental factors. Vitamin E prevents acne via antioxidant protection. Several clinical investigations have elucidated the relationship between vitamin E and acne.

For example, a study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology observed that vitamin E helps prevent oils trapped in the pores from becoming rancid and hardened. This preventative action lowers the chances of having inflamed, painful acne lesions. However, vitamin E reaches the surface layer of the skin via oil secretion from the pores. Thus, it is important to clear trapped oils from the skin so that vitamin E can flow to the outer layers of the face and pre-empt acne lesions.

In a addition to this study, a report in Clinical & Experimental Dermatology detected a direct link between blood levels of vitamin E, and acne. In this investigation, researchers compared the blood levels of vitamin E in 100 newly diagnosed, yet untreated acne patients to 100 age-matched, healthy volunteers without acne. Overall, the healthy, acne free group had higher amounts of vitamin E in their circulatory system than the acne sufferer group.

Based on these findings, investigators concluded that low vitamin E blood levels could cause or aggravate an acne outbreak.

Sources of vitamin E

To make vitamin E a team player in your acne prevention regime, you need to consume sufficient amounts of this fat-soluble nutrient. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin E is 30 International Units (IU) per day.

The tolerable upper intake level of vitamin E is 1,500 IU per day for adults. Food sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil and hazelnuts.

If you cannot glean enough vitamin E from your meals, supplements are an option. Vitamin E supplements are typically sold as alpha-tocopheryl acetate, a form of alpha-tocopherol that protects its ability to function as an antioxidant.

The synthetic form is labeled "D, L" while the natural form is labeled "D". Nevertheless, keep in mind that according to the National Institutes of Health, the synthetic form of vitamin E is only half as active as the natural form.

To sum up, clinical research has definitely established vitamin E as an acne preventative. That's why, adequate consumption of vitamin E should be considered an essential part of getting rid of acne.


El-akawi, Z; N Abdel-Latif & K Abdul-Razzak. Does the plasma level of vitamins A and E affect acne condition? Clinical & Experimental Dermatology; May 2006, vol 31, no 3, pp 430-434.

National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement fact sheet: Vitamin E. January 23, 2007.

Thiele, JJ; SU Weber & L Packer. Sebaceous gland secretion is a major physiologic route of vitamin E delivery to skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology; 1999, vol 113, pp 1006-1010.

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How Does Vitamin E Prevent Acne Outbreaks?