Cystic Acne and Junk Food
Acne FoodsIn order to get rid of cystic acne, it's an excellent idea to avoid junk food. Some people, no matter what they do in terms of diet, exercise, and general lifestyle changes, continue to have cystic acne that requires medical treatment. You may be an example of the extremely fortunate individual whose skin responds just to changes in diet. It's unfair, however, to suggest that an improved diet will be a panacea for all people with acne.
Obviously, if an individual notices a connection between eating a certain food, for example, chocolate, shell fish, spinach, fried foods, and breakouts, he or she should avoid those foods. But not everyone has such clear flags.
But food is not the only cause for cystic acne. Frankly I sometimes wonder if more people don't have adult acne because of our toxic environment, including our food. Or maybe part of it is that everybody didn't feel as great a need to be perfect in the past. Maybe more people are seeking acne treatment now than in the past, I'm not saying that seeking treatment is necessarily a bad thing; if help is available, why not take advantage of it?
My advice is to press the doctor for something else and if it doesn't work seek a new doctor who will prescribe Accutane or something similar for a five-month course. Cystic acne is just too unpleasant a condition to be lived with if there is a medication that can control it and the risks are reasonable.
Cystic Acne [] - Medical information and tips on how to get rid of acne []