Read through How Does Vitamin E Prevent Acne Outbreaks? far more

You might want to call it "one of the hardest working vitamins in your body". Vitamin E protects the nerves, lungs and heart from oxidative damage. Along with these vital tasks, vitamin E still manages to stave off acne lesions.

There are eight different forms of vitamin E. The most active form of vitamin E in the body is the potent antibiotic alpha-tocopherol (α-tocopherol).

The link between pimples and vitamin E

Acne manifests because of a number of bodily changes including hormonal fluctuations, immunological weaknesses or environmental factors. Vitamin E prevents acne via antioxidant protection. Several clinical investigations have elucidated the relationship between vitamin E and acne.

For example, a study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology observed that vitamin E helps prevent oils trapped in the pores from becoming rancid and hardened. This preventative action lowers the chances of having inflamed, painful acne lesions. However, vitamin E reaches the surface layer of the skin via oil secretion from the pores. Thus, it is important to clear trapped oils from the skin so that vitamin E can flow to the outer layers of the face and pre-empt acne lesions.

In a addition to this study, a report in Clinical & Experimental Dermatology detected a direct link between blood levels of vitamin E, and acne. In this investigation, researchers compared the blood levels of vitamin E in 100 newly diagnosed, yet untreated acne patients to 100 age-matched, healthy volunteers without acne. Overall, the healthy, acne free group had higher amounts of vitamin E in their circulatory system than the acne sufferer group.

Based on these findings, investigators concluded that low vitamin E blood levels could cause or aggravate an acne outbreak.

Sources of vitamin E

To make vitamin E a team player in your acne prevention regime, you need to consume sufficient amounts of this fat-soluble nutrient. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin E is 30 International Units (IU) per day.

The tolerable upper intake level of vitamin E is 1,500 IU per day for adults. Food sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil and hazelnuts.

If you cannot glean enough vitamin E from your meals, supplements are an option. Vitamin E supplements are typically sold as alpha-tocopheryl acetate, a form of alpha-tocopherol that protects its ability to function as an antioxidant.

The synthetic form is labeled "D, L" while the natural form is labeled "D". Nevertheless, keep in mind that according to the National Institutes of Health, the synthetic form of vitamin E is only half as active as the natural form.

To sum up, clinical research has definitely established vitamin E as an acne preventative. That's why, adequate consumption of vitamin E should be considered an essential part of getting rid of acne.


El-akawi, Z; N Abdel-Latif & K Abdul-Razzak. Does the plasma level of vitamins A and E affect acne condition? Clinical & Experimental Dermatology; May 2006, vol 31, no 3, pp 430-434.

National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement fact sheet: Vitamin E. January 23, 2007.

Thiele, JJ; SU Weber & L Packer. Sebaceous gland secretion is a major physiologic route of vitamin E delivery to skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology; 1999, vol 113, pp 1006-1010.

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How Does Vitamin E Prevent Acne Outbreaks?