Go through Avoid This Food and Cure Acne Naturally - Acne Sufferers Worst Foods a lot more

Did you know there are foods you should strictly avoid if you want to cure acne permanent and in a natural way? In this article you will discover which they are, and why you should avoid them.

What to eat and which food that's help the body to heal is important to know if you want to cure your skin. Some food works as "natural healers". The processed food in grocery stores are not natural food for our bodies, and such not even be considered as food at all. These kinds of foods contain dangerous chemicals, sweeteners, bad fats and fast carbs. This food is the last our body's needs, if we want to stay healthy.

What Food to Avoid To Cure Pimples and Acne

The first thing you should do when you want to get rid of pimples and acne is to change your food habits. And here's what you should avoid:

· Avoid sweets in all forms. Sweets do often contain different kinds of thing you should avoid for a clear and healthy skin such as; sugar, gelatin, wheat, milk and a lots of chemicals. My advice is to eat fruits and berries instead. Make your own smoothies, juices and fruit salads.

· Junk food is really bad if you want to avoid acne. It often contains chemicals, wheat, dairy products, sugar and low levels of vitamins and minerals. Your body needs nutrition to heal itself and be able to wash out toxins and waste products.

· Chemicals are the most important thing you have to avoid these days. There is hard to avoid to get any chemicals at all in our poisoned world today because they literally are everywhere; in our food, tap water and within the air. What you can do is to avoid all kinds of foods with additives in it. You can also choose ecologically produced food and filter your tap water to get rid of huge amounts of chemicals.

· Be careful with dairy products. These products are not natural for human bodies, and it can disturb functions within the body and give rise to pimples and acne. My suggestion is to avoid dairy products for a week, and then eat it again. If you see the pimples rise again, then you may have a food allergy against dairy products.

· It's the same with wheat and rye as it is with dairy products. You can be sensitive to these products, and actually have a food allergy against them. These forms of allergies often have a connection with too many chemicals within the body. So, to make the problem disappear, or to not make it even worse, you have to cleanse your body.

· Don't drink anything else than water, herbal teas and juices. Avoid drinks with sugar, additives and sweeteners. You don't need to avoid caffeine, but I suggest you only drink small amounts of it. Like a cup of green tea every day.

So congratulation! You've just discovered the worst foods you have to avoid if you want to get a clear skin and cure acne permanent!

Acne Foods

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Avoid This Food and Cure Acne Naturally - Acne Sufferers Worst Foods

Acne Foods