Understand Acne Food - What You Eat Really Does Matter far more

Acne Food - What You Eat Really Does Matter

Acne Foods

Contrary to popular belief, studies and data show that there is a strong correlation between acne and food. To prevent acne, we must get smart about what we eat. The food we choose to fuel our body is where it all begins.

Food and Hormones

A diet consisting of highly refined, processed, high fat foods has little nutritional value. Our bodies require a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to perform at an optimal level. These types of foods have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber, and leave the body with nothing to do but convert it to glucose (the sugar our bodies use as fuel for energy) and deposit it into the blood stream at a rapid rate. This high amount of sugar in a short period of time causes the body to release large amounts of insulin (the hormone meant to regulate blood sugar). This rapid rise and fall of our blood sugar causes an imbalance in our hormones.

For those of us who suffer from acne, this imbalance can trigger our oil glands to produce more sebum. This over production of oil can become trapped in a clogged pore and encourage the growth of acne. Not to mention, the nutrient deficiency caused by this type of diet creates an ideal environment in the body for disease to thrive, including acne.

On the other hand, foods that are nutritionally dense and high in fiber take a longer amount of time for the body to turn into glucose, resulting in a slow and steady deposit of sugar into the blood, that allows our hormones to stay in balance, hence steady production of oil along with pores that are kept clear will lead to healthy skin. Also, a nutrient dense diet provides the body with an ideal amount of vitamins and minerals to support a healthy immune system to fight off disease.

Food and Toxins

In addition to foods that are highly refined, processed, and high in fat, the rise in industrialized food production since the 1960's has had a huge impact on the way our food is grown. Chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, and genetically modified foods are now ingested into our systems.

What happens to these toxins?

Aside from it's obvious job of protecting our bodies from harmful things, the skin is the body's largest organ, and is where toxins get released when the liver and kidneys are overloaded. For those of us who suffer from acne, those toxins surface as - you guessed it - blemishes.

In order to keep this system in check, it is essential to eat foods that are of high nutritional value. In addition, eliminating foods of low nutritional quality which contribute to a rapid rise in our blood sugar, as well as, an overload of toxins for the liver and kidneys to filter out (leaving the body no other choice but to release them through the skin) will promote healthy, clear skin.

Julianna Gauthier promotes curing acne with food and proper nutrition. If you are interested in curing your acne this way, check out Acne No More. Also check out Eat Away Your Acne, another good way to treat acne through nutrition.