Understand Get Rid Of Pimples By Avoiding These 5 Healthy Foods a lot more

Wondering how to get rid of pimples? How about avoiding what are otherwise healthy foods. The most damaging foods to your acne are those that are well disguised. These are foods that are genuinely health, but also happen to cause inflammation in the body, which in turn causes acne breakouts. Here are the foods.


Get rid of pimples by avoiding potatoes. Potatoes are high in sugar and cause the body to produce insulin. The result is inflammation and acne for those of us who are prone to it. It is true that potatoes are a healthy food with all sorts of vitamins and minerals. It's unfortunate that they also cause acne.

Pita Bread

You are at the sandwich shop and you decide to eat something healthy instead of a cheeseburger. That pita bread veggie sandwich looks healthy and so you go for it. One or two days later, acne starts to break out on your face.

Pita bread, like any other bread, is made of highly refined flour that basically turns into to sugar once it's in your body. This raises insulin and causes inflammation. stay away from anything made with flour if you want to get rid of your acne.


Who would have though that you could get rid of pimples by avoiding peas? Peas have a lot of good vitamins in them and even some anti-oxidants. They are good for you, to be sure. Peas are delicious because they are sweet. They contain quite a bit of sugar. Pass on the peas the next time they are offered to you. They will cause inflammation and in turn cause you to break out.


Papaya is really good for you because it has a lot of vitamin A which also happens to be good for skin. To bad papaya also has a high sugar content. Until you are not prone to acne, you will want to stay away from this acne-causing fruit. Even worse is papaya juice since it will give you huge sugar jolt.


Yeah. Mangoes, too. Like papaya, mangoes are extremely good for you as they are loaded with anti-oxidants and vitamins. Those who don't suffer from acne breakouts can safely enjoy this fruit. However, those of us who want to control acne [http://www.best-home-remedies-for-acne.com/acne-treatments/effective-acne-control-17] will want to stay away from this acne-producing fruit.

Of course, if you are not prone to acne then you need not worry about eating these foods. However, if you are looking to get rid of pimples, stay away from these acne-causing devils.

Acne Causing Foods
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Get Rid Of Pimples By Avoiding These 5 Healthy Foods