Understand Selecting Brands For Acne Treatment much more

I once used this X stuff, then Y, tried that twice, then I tried Z. Now I am using a variation of Y. Nothing seems to work. I have recently seen advertisements of a new product. Should I try that? Are you also one of the brand hoppers? Many of us choose a medicine for acne after hearing about it from our friends, or forums or advertisements. We try many products and may find that nothing works. For some the first product they try clears the acne. What is the way out for the frustrated population?

Active Ingredient Is The Key-

Most of us choose by brand names. But it is the active ingredient that does the treatment. Next time you buy any brand look at the name of the active ingredient. You may realize that the last product you used also had the same active ingredient. So it is the same thing under a different brand and packing. It will make no difference. If you are changing your treatment, it is necessary to select another active ingredient.

The common active ingredient for acne treatment are-

Benzoyl peroxide

Salicylic Acid

Azelaic Acid

Topical Antibiotics

Topical Retinoids


Sulfur and Resorcinol

Alcohol And Acetone

Out of these the most common are- Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic Acid is most popular. They are founds in creams, gels, washes, pads and all other types of uses for acne.

Next time whenever you buy any treatment for acne, read the label. Find out the ingredient and its strength. Another factor that may change the result is the vehicle for the ingredient. A vehicle is the neutral part of the product. For example if you buy a cream with 5% strength of Benzoyl Peroxide, the rest 95% is vehicle and other chemicals used for formulation. If the vehicle is different the results may be slightly different in short term. Gels may act faster than creams, but only in the short term. Long-term results are same for both creams and gels. New vehicles such as micro spheres are also being used now to help medication penetrate skin faster. Look at he ingredient and the vehicle and decide to buy the product after that.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For all types of acne treatments click - acne treatments.


To find more information, articles and tips about acne, skin care, STDs, skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments, procedures, skin care products, etc visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/

Selecting Brands For Acne Treatment

Read Acne - Home Remedies For Acne additional

Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). Acne occurs on the face, as well as the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Although most teenagers get some form of acne, adults in their 20's, 30's, 40's, or even older, can develop acne. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Acne can be disfiguring and upsetting to the patient. Untreated acne can leave permanent scars; these may be treated by your dermatologist in the future. To avoid acne scarring, treating acne is important.

No one knows exactly what causes acne. Hormone changes, such as those during the teenage years and pregnancy, probably play a role. There are many myths about what causes acne. Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed, but there is little evidence that foods have much effect on acne in most people. Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and pimples are not caused by dirt. Stress doesn't cause acne, but stress can make it worse.

Home Remedies for Acne

Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball, leave for half an hour and wash. Repeat for 15-20 days.

Mix lemon juice with rose water. One lemon with same proportion of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and rinse it only after 30 mins. Constantly doing so will not only get rid of acne and pimples, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream ( 0% fat for oily face), 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of grind oatmeal and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply on face, leave for 10 minutes and wash off.

Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste.

Cleaning your face by washing it in warm salty water will leave it oil-free without aggravating the acne. Cotton dipped in rose water maybe used for cleaning the skin and to remove the makeup, especially the oil-based one, since it's responsible for acne outbreaks.

Zinc may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium and iron from food and supplements. It can interfere with the absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics and penicillamine. There is also some concern that a particular diuretic, amiloride, can reduce zinc excretion and lead to a toxic build-up in the body.

Try not to touch your face. It causes trauma to acne, just like picking pimples does. Tight sweatbands and chin straps from baseball caps and sports equipment can have the same effect.

Apply lime juice and rose water on the acne affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your face profusely with lukewarm water to get perfect cure for acne.

Make a paste of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks for permanently clearing acne.

Tomato can also be used for the treatment of blackheads and to open the pores of the skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is good particularly for oily skin.

Read about Herbal Treatment Natural Remedies Cures. Also read about Breast Enhancement and Breast Enlargement and Health Questions Answers Discussion Forum

Acne - Home Remedies For Acne


Read through Foods to Prevent Acne - What Types of Food Can Help to Prevent Acne? far more

Foods to Prevent Acne - What Types of Food Can Help to Prevent Acne?

Acne Foods

Acne Foods

Acne is a devastating skin disease that can affect any one of any ages. Acne can hurt our confidence and all acne sufferers are trying to find treatments that work to help them get rid of it. If you have been searching for information online, you should have stumbled upon the information that states that there are foods that cause acne you can be eat certain foods to prevent acne.

Some types of food such as dairy products and food that contains high amount of sugar usually can trigger your acne. However there are also other types of food that can help to improve your acne condition. In fact, diet plays a big part in treating your acne.

1. Fish

Cold water fish consists of essential fatty acids that can help to regulate our hormones. Hormonal imbalance is a huge factor in causing acne and having essential fatty acids in your body can help to deal with this problem. Try to eat more salmon or tuna as these are fishes that have a high amount of essential fatty acids in them.

2. Green tea

Green tea is rich in an anti inflammatory chemical which is called catechins. Acne is a type of inflammation and having more anti inflammatory chemicals can help to lessen inflammation which means lesser acne.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil have high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and it also have anti oxidant chemicals in it. Fatty acids are needed for healthy skin as well as helping us to control our hormonal level. It is recommended that you take extra virgin oil and always remember to eat it cold. Olive oil is delicate and heating it can destroy many of its beneficial properties.

4. Whole meal bread/ Brown rice

White bread and rice when eaten converts into sugar in our body. It can cause a huge surge in our blood insulin level to take care of the extra sugar found in our body. The insulin level can also cause excess androgens to be present in our body which is the cause of active sebum activity which will lead to oily skin. You can replace them with healthier alternatives like whole meal bread and brown rice.

5. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass have many beneficial properties. It is said that it can help to cleanse the blood and keep your body tissue well oxygenated which will allow them to perform at optimal level. It can also help to purify the liver and detox your body which will lead to an improvement in your skin condition.

These are some of the recommended foods to prevent acne and by replacing your junk food with healthier alternatives, you are keeping your body healthy. A healthier body will ensure that it can help to heal your acne from within which is a much more effective method to get rid of acne.

Next, learn more about how to use holistic acne natural remedy to help you to get back your acne free skin.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Study Got Acne? Try Sulfur! far more

While shopping around for acne products, I found myself at a booth in the local mall, signing up for a two month program. Along with the basic three products, there was a bonus in the box, a mask containing, amongst other things, 6% sulfur. In addition to its use as a ten-minute mask, the directions also encouraged using the mask in small amounts on problem spots as an overnight treatment. After three nights of trial, it was my new favourite product, so I began looking into the uses of sulfur as an acne treatment.

According to many reports, sulfur (also spelled "sulphur") has been used in acne treatments since the days of Ancient Rome when people used to bathe in hot, sulfurous mineral water. As a chemical element, sulfur is odorless, but when combined with other elements it can have a strong, unpleasant smell. With the emergence of benzoyl peroxide in the 1920s, the focus turned to new chemicals, and sulfur was somewhat eclipsed by several other substances in the campaign against acne. Although slightly less popular, many acne products used today still include sulfur. So why is it so amazing for acne?

Acne is often referred to as a disease of the sebaceous glands, tiny glands that are critical for normal skin functioning. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum, a combination of fats and debris from dead skin cells which lubricates and protects the skin against environmental damage. Sebum travels to the skin's surface via a hair follicle and pore. Sometimes, however, a pore can become blocked, which means that sebum and natural skin bacteria are prevented from coming to the surface. The bacteria within the clogged pore can be very irritating to the skin, triggering an immune reaction and causing the redness and inflammation often associated with acne.

Acne treatments can take several different types of approaches. Some address the reasons behind the blocked pore, such as excess sebum production or inadequate shedding of dead skin cells. Others work at reducing the symptoms of pain and redness. Treatments include hormone therapy, oral antibiotics, retinoids, and topical creams and ointments, which can be very effective and quite inexpensive. It is in topical treatments that sulfur is generally used.

Sulfur is a keratolytic agent, which means that it encourages shedding of dead skin cells which could block pores if retained. It also has comedolytic effects, helping to heal pre-existing comedones and preventing formation of new ones. For these reasons, sulfur is a frequent ingredient in cleansers and masks like the one that I tried. Even more popular is the combination of sulfur with sodium sulfacetamide, a sulfonamide that has antibacterial properties. Sulfonamides are thought to prevent bacterial growth through limiting key acids needed for their reproduction. Together, sulfur and sodium sulfacetamide are extremely effective in reducing inflammatory lesions and in preventing acne development.

While the mask that I tried was great as a bi-weekly acne product, it was its ability to reduce inflammation overnight that impressed me the most. Some studies suggest that sulfur may calm or soothe acne, but I suspect that it was only when combined with the other ingredients (such as geranium extract and tea tree leaf oil) that it was so effective. Sulfur is definitely useful in acne products, especially for its kerolytic and comedolytic properties, however be sure to check that the product has anti-inflammatory ingredients as well if you're looking for a nighttime treatment. Also, check with a dermatologist or skin care professional before leaving a product on overnight, unless it expressly recommends it on the directions...I didn't read the directions properly once, and I will never make that mistake again!!


Author C. L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest... but unfortunately that's not the case! You'll find much more information on this topic at the author's website acne-infosource.info

Got Acne? Try Sulfur!


Read Foods That Cause Acne more

Are you having problems when it comes to acne or pimples? The fact is that causes of pimples can be attributed to a number of factors. Although regular application of cleansers can dramatically decrease an acne breakout, these are not the sole factors that you should watch out for.

Although the skin may be exposed to the outside elements, the components that it uses to flourish are taken in from the inside. This means that treating them from the outside is not enough, you must also nourish them from the inside. This is where foods that cause acne come in.

You might have heard that there are really no foods that cause acne and what you heard is true. It's not the food themselves; it's the reaction of the body to these foods that triggers an acne attack. You see, the changing amount of sugar in the body can cause hormonal changes. In turn, the spike in our hormones triggers the body into a pimple overload. Such is the case with adolescents who are experiencing the first bouts of an overactive hormone.

So what food types are capable of affecting our blood sugar in a big way? Soft drinks, chocolates plus other sweet foods comes into mind. Fat and dairy products can also affect body sugar levels, which is why cheese is considered as an acne trigger.

Food Alternatives

So what should you eat to minimize acne? The usual fresh fruits and vegetables would be your best bet. However, it has been noted that people react to different foods in different ways. For example, there are those who are unaffected by dairy products while a piece of chocolate triggers the birth of pimples. If you are already suffering from acne, then it is recommended that you experiment by cutting off certain food products in your diet. There's a chance that some of the food that you eat trigger your acne although they are no way related to those mentioned above.

Other Causes of Pimples

Of course, as mentioned above, food is not the major issue when it comes to causes of pimples. Hygiene is and will always be your biggest concern. Look for cleansers that contain benzyl peroxide as an ingredient since these are very good in cleaning out blocked pores as a result of exposure to dirt.

Stress and lack of sleep are also considered as pimple triggers and although this does not apply to everyone, it doesn't hurt to get an even eight hours of sleep every day. Keep in mind that pimples are skin irritations and irritating them further is also a probable cause of acne. Hence, if you have a pimple, leave it alone to disappear by itself. Trying to pop it or even frequent touching can only spread the bacteria, prompting your skin to grow more pimples instead of disappearing completely.

Understand that the best course of action altogether is preventing acne from breaking out. You'll find that just by living a healthy, clean life, you'll be saving yourself from future acne scar problems.

Do you want more information about causes of pimples? Check out the website of Allan Pooh. You will find a lot of additional information about foods that cause acne.

Foods That Cause Acne

Acne Causing Foods

Read Cystic Acne a lot more

Cystic acne is a type of abscess that is formed when oil ducts become clogged and infected. Cystic acne affects deeper skin tissue that forms more superficial inflammation from common acne. Cystic acne is most common on the face and typically occurs in the teenage years. Not only are cystic acne breakouts painful, but the extent of damage they are capable of inflicting often goes beyond the reach of topically applied products.

A bacterium, known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal denizen of the skin. This bacterium uses sebum as a nutrient for growth, therefore increases in follicles during puberty. It is said by the doctors that people with acne have more Propionibacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne. Now after reading all this it is pretty clear that the root formation of acne is within the sebaceous follicle, which is basically a hair follicle with attached oil glands. Androgens increase sebum production markedly. Hence this is the reason why rate of cystic acne formation increases in puberty because the hormones increase the sebum production.

Sebum might not be that dangerous to form acne but what accelerates the process of acne is the event of the formation of an oil-duct plug, known as a microcomedone. Cells lining the duct of the sebaceous follicle peel off the side and combine with the oil to form a tight little plug. Behind this plug acne bacteria proliferate, metabolize the sebum, and create an inflammatory reaction. What happens is that the presence of bacteria attracts white blood cells to the follicle. These white blood cells produce an enzyme that damages the wall of the follicle, allowing the contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. Rupture of the plugged gland causes the cystic acne.

It is highly recommended that people with cystic acne should visit a dermatologist. If the patient is suffering from light to moderate cystic acne then he/she can take antibiotics which have the tendency to kill the bacterium but approximately 30%-45% of today's cystic acne strains are resistant to one or more of the common antibiotics, making them useless. Additionally long-term use of antibiotics is associated with increased cancer risks. Many dermatologists these days give oral drugs such as Accutane and sulfa-based antibiotics for cystic acne. Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline and minocycline are also more effective for cystic acne because they work systemically. However, they can cause such side effects as photosensitivity (higher risk of sunburn), upset stomach, dizziness and skin discoloration, and must be taken for as long as four to six months.

If the patient is interested in using therapies to cure cystic acne then the most important therapy is the use of tretinoin (Retin-A). The reason for using this vitamin A is because it is a comedolytic. It thins the outer layer of skin and slowly over months reverses the formation of the keratin-sebum plugs, which lead to rupture of the sebaceous follicle but one of the side effects is that a persistent red flush is seen in many patients on Retin-A. Certain areas of the face, such as the chin, are easily irritated with tretinoin and the frequency of use might be limited to every two or three days until your skin gets used to it.

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Cystic Acne

Read Causes of Pimples - Certain Types of Food much more

What does food have to do with pimple accumulation? Can the stuff you eat really cause acne breakouts on your skin?

The answer to these questions is YES. What you eat can be one of the major factors as to why acne continues to develop on your face. Every time you eat something that contains ingredients your body doesn't need, organs in your body will naturally remove those toxic agents and expel them out of your system. Your liver is one of the most active organs that do this function. It extracts toxins from the food you take in and sends them to your skin pores. The dirt and toxins that accumulate under your pores then form into various types of skin disorders of different intensities - from mild pimples to severe acne eruptions.

So that's one more reason not to eat food that contains a whole lot of cholesterol. It doesn't just add up unwanted layers of fat to your body or clog up arterial veins in your system, it causes acne - very extreme cases of acne.

Popping your pimple may seem like the most appropriate thing to do when you see that it has grown to be perfectly ripe and tempting to squeeze. But to tell you truthfully, it isn't a very good idea. Doing that causes skin irritation, which could be the reason for more pimples on your face. Aside from that, it isn't a process that your body naturally does. Your body removes dead skin to replace new ones, not burst pimples to completely remove them from your skin. So when you do pop your pimple, doing that might create scars or other deformations on your face.

Caring for your face requires one to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. Using chemically enhanced pimple solutions is not advisable because the chemicals could eliminate the natural oils of your skin. When this happens, your skin will produce even more oil in an attempt to replace the oil that was lost. An overproduction of oil on your skin could result to a blockage in your skin pores, which in effect, would produce more acne.

A change in your diet is also something you'll want to do to lessen the chances of getting pimples. Avoid eating fried and oily food. These kinds of food aggravate your pores to produce more oil than usual, which in turn, would again cause acne to multiply on your skin.

Acne Causing Foods

Like many other people who have been seeking help for acne [http://www.acnesolutioncenter.com/], you can find the most effective acne remedies in AcneSolutionCenter.com. There, you will be given access to a free mini-course where tips and advice will be sent to your mail for effectively solving your acne problems. Visit us today and subscribe so you can truly get rid of pimples [http://www.acnesolutioncenter.com/causes-of-acne/]!

Causes of Pimples - Certain Types of Food

Acne Causing Foods

Understand Natural Acne Treatment - Tips on Foods to Avoid far more

Your face is a mirror which reflects your diet and eating habits.

Your food may be divided into acid- or alkaline-forming groups. Alkaline forming foods are best, although you can eat small portions of acid-forming foods. Acid-forming foods include fried foods, rice, white breads, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Acidic foods build up toxins in your body while alkaline foods eliminate such toxins and maintain a clean digestive system. This helps to keeps your skin clear and clean.

Additionally, your body needs sufficient fatty acids from foods rich in Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9.

These fatty acids control the excess production of sebum and other hormones and help to develop a strong immune system with fewer inflammatory disorders.

You gain essential omega acids from sesame seeds and oil, avocados, pumpkin seeds, salmon, sardine, dark green leafy vegetables, walnuts and other nuts, olive oil, olives, flaxseed and its oil, grape seed oil and sunflower seed oil, etc. Fish oils contain EPA and DHA fatty acids, which produce prostaglandins to control excess hormonal secretions.

Drink water in sufficient quantities to keep your body cells hydrated and add a supple look to your face. Stay away from sugary foods and beer.

Because your face is a reflection of what you eat and drink, eat healthy foods to avoid toxicity and constipation. Natural and permanent cure of acne through proper diet is best as drugs provide only temporary relief and you may suffer from their side effects too.

In summary, foods to avoid if you want to reduce acne are -

1. Fried fatty foods like beef, butter, and cheese.

2. Artificially flavored and preserved foods which may leave unhealthy wastes in your body.

3. Processed foods cause constipation, as they lack fiber and need lot of digestive enzymes, minerals, and vitamins for their digestion.

4. Stay away from sodas, coffee, alcohol, beer, iodized salt, chocolates, white bread, etc.

5. Vitamin B12 in excess of your body's needs causes acne.

6. Milk and milk products are difficult to digest and sometimes cause mucus and allergies. Excess of such mucus causes acne.

Cow's milk contains iodine, and various hormones are present in high percentages in the milk of pregnant cows. These hormones create androgen, which leads to sebum production.

However, maintain necessary calcium levels in your body by eating calcium-rich foods other than milk and milk products if your doctor advises you to reduce or avoid milk products.

Reduce your intake of acne-encouraging foods steadily, not quickly.

Always seek your doctor's advice before making changes to your diet.

Acne Foods

Get Rid Of Acne in Days...Not Months. For details on the procedures and natural treatments for severe acne and scars [http://www.all-in-one-health.com/acne], visit our exclusive review site by Clicking Here [http://www.all-in-one-health.com/acne].

Natural Acne Treatment - Tips on Foods to Avoid

Examine Does Diet Really Affect Acne? far more

Acne Foods

One of the myths surrounding acne is that Acne is not caused by foods. Those who suffer with breakouts for long periods of time have usually tried many treatments, medicines, creams and methods of clearing up their acne. They are told don't worry about what you eat, you need medicine, you need to buy this, or that.

It is, however, important to use a proven medication, or acne-specific cleanser to help manage acne. Until your skin is clear enough to rely on simple acne medicated face wash, the goal is to get rid of as many acne contributors as possible.

The thing to remember is that acne is caused by an imbalance of your hormones, and malfunctioning of your skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body. One of the duties of your skin is to eliminate toxins from your body. If your body is having a hard time eliminating toxins, or dealing with the proper functioning of your skin, then there are probably toxins built up in your body, or there is a lack of vital nutrients your body needs to function. Where do we get the vast majority of our nutrients ...and toxins?

From what we eat, and drink.

Now back to the issue of acne sufferers being told to not worry about their diet. Many of those who suffer for a long time start eating better. Their skin starts to clear up. They start being skeptical of the 'myth' about diet. Research is vague on the subject, but it leads one to doubt the accepted view. If your diet is made up of mostly processed, refined, or sugary foods, and you have acne, consider eating better. Also consider what is being said from the front lines. Even those who believe the myth will recommend you stop eating something if you notice it causes your acne to flare up.

Have you ever noticed that you could smell certain foods on you after you've eaten it? Garlic is one such food. You are excreting waste from your body through your skin constantly. By excreting, don't confuse excretion with defecation. Think of sweat as a type of excretion.

You are what you eat

You have heard the cliché above a million times. We are told that we need our Daily Percentage of fat, and carbs, and protein, and vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, etc. Malnutrition can cause fatigue, cancer, obesity, anemia, etc.--but not acne? For the simple fact that believing that eating dangerous foods is not OK for you, you shouldn't believe that your diet has no impact on your acne.

Without getting into the exact details, let's run down some common foods that we are told not to worry about when dealing with acne. Let's also look at why we shouldn't be eating them anyway, even if acne wasn't a problem for us.

Chocolate, and Sugar

Chocolate was regarded as the food of gods by the ancient Mayan and Aztecs. It was used as a currency, and considered a gift from heaven. Chocolate and cocoa come from the cacao tree. Without sweeteners it is bitter, like coffee. It doesn't take much searching to discover the health benefits of cacao. The reason there is a myth surrounding chocolate is it is the most common form of dessert, or candy. Chocolate is in and on everything! And what is in most chocolate?


Refined Sugar...

Sugar found in fruits and vegetables is not the same as that which makes its way into most of our food. The sugars in fruits are complex carbohydrates, and the sugars found in processed foods are simple carbs. Studies have shown that healthier people tend to have a high intake of complex carbohydrates.




Read the above articles and the link between diet and acne becomes clear. Chocolate in it's natural state requires lots of sweeteners for it to taste like we normally recognize it. Ever eat unsweetened cocoa powder? Not quite the same as your favorite candy bar.

Eating high quality chocolate with no sugar or an alternative sweetener can actually be beneficial to you!

Fried Foods

Firstly, frying foods not only destroys nutrients in food, it also changes the chemical structure of food, essentially burning it. Anything that is consumed that is from a burnt material is considered carcinogenic. Carcinogens cause cancer. There may not be a significant amount of cancer causing toxins in fried foods to develop cancer, but this type of food should be avoided. It has little nutritional value.

Eating fried foods has been linked to obesity.

Frying foods produce chemicals that are harmful. Our intestinal tract is constantly shedding its outer layer, giving us protection from toxins we may eat, but this is no reason to make your body work harder at protecting itself than at providing you with nutrition.

Greasy foods

If you Google 'greasy foods' your first page of results will be on greasy foods affecting acne. The 'myth' is discredited by the articles that come up, even though the person asking if eating such foods has any effect on her 'acne prone skin', as her doctor has blamed her stomach problems on her diet. The same 'myth' is told again. Acne is caused by hormones, not diet. But diet is also linked to hormones

'Greasy foods' usually means pre-processed high fat, low nutritional value food items. Greasy oily foods are harder to digest, and cause gastrointestinal problems. Once again, the more garbage your body has to get rid of, the easier it is for some of it to get into your system, and the harder it is for your body to perform its natural functions efficiently.


Caffeine, which is found in most soft drinks, coffee, and to a lesser degree, tea, can stimulate acne. One of the myths about acne is that stress doesn't cause it. Stress does, however, increase the severity of flare ups, and make breakouts worse by causing an excess amount of hormones to be produced. Hormonal imbalance is one of the root causes of acne. Caffeine is a stimulant, which can cause the body to produce chemicals, just as if it were stressed. With the high amount of refined sugar, preservatives, and caffeine in soft drinks and coffee, it's easy to see why they are associated with acne.

Some people have no problems with acne, and eating poorly isn't reflected in their complexion. If you do struggle with acne, consider avoiding the foods that make your acne worse. As a rule, if you feel overly tired or just plain bad after eating something, you should avoid it. For your own sake, you should try avoiding foods that are high in fat, have lots of sugar, are greasy or fried, or contain lots of preservatives, and also avoid large amounts of caffeine.

If you already avoid these types of foods, and are still dealing with bad skin, the next step is finding the right treatment for you. You are that much closer to finding the best way to manage your acne if you eat right!


More about Acne Treatment and Information [http://acnefreelife.com] can be found at acnefreelife.com

Does Diet Really Affect Acne?

Acne Foods

Read through Acne Medication - Prescription and OTC much more

Acne Medication - Prescription and OTC



Choosing the right acne medication is an important part of treating blemished skin. There are a number of different treatment options available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Clearasil is the most commonly used over the counter acne medication, and is helpful in treating mild to moderate cases. This medicine contains benzoyl peroxide, which can help to dry out pimples, but may cause severe stinging, itching, peeling, and swelling on the areas that it is used on.

Proactiv is widely recognized due to its advertisements featuring celebrity endorsements. This treatment contains a three part regimen of a cleanser, toner, and lotion to heal and prevent breakouts. Proactiv also contains benzoyl peroxide, which is known for its side effects mentioned above. If you are wary of these treatments because of the side effects, perhaps you should consider a natural treatment instead of harmful prescription acne medication options.

For more severe cases, Accutane is a prescription acne medication that is considered to be a last resort treatment when your skin has not been responsive to any other product used. It is an oral medication that can be quite effective, yet can cause side effects such as dry skin, aching joints, and even severe birth defects if a female user becomes pregnant during use.

Retin A is a topical tretinoin acne medication that is used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. Its side effects include sensitivity to light, swelling and dryness of the skin, and blistering. Results will not occur immediately and it must be used continuously, even after acne has cleared, to remain effective.

One of the newer over the counter acne medications is called Acuzine, and it is a breakthrough natural treatment that can be as effective as some of the prescription acne medications, without the potential side effects.

Acuzine contains Vitamins C and E, aloe vera leaf, hydrolyzed collagen, and other therapeutic natural ingredients. The antioxidants protect your skin's cells and tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals, which are unstable byproducts in the body that contribute to infections. Hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the natural production of collagen in the body to improve the appearance of the skin and also aids in your body's ability to retain a healthy amount of water to prevent moisture loss. This innovative acne medication is free from side effects and can benefit the overall health of your entire body.

Talk to your dermatologist to determine which treatment is right for you. Prescription acne medications are usually the strongest, but you may be able to clear up acne breakouts with an over the counter acne medication such as Clearasil. As an alternative, you may want to try a natural antioxidant supplement, as it offers the least potential for nasty side effects.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Medication and Treatments, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Go through What Is The Relationship Between Acne And Foods? extra

There are literally hundreds of studies that report on the relationship of acne to foods.

Most are controversial at best and few are definitive. Based on the way the research for the report was collected you usually can find a report that supports any position you want to defend your eating habits.

The bottom line is that there is little, if any, proof that any food, of itself, is the cause of acne.

The problem is that everyone is different. What affects one does not affect another. While one person can eat chocolate all day and not get acne, another can seemingly take one bite and break out. Also, what you eat today may have no effect, but if you eat the same food next week you may breakout, or so it seems.

The basic cause of acne is that your sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum, skin oil, which combines with dead skin cells and plugs your skin pores.

The amount of sebum a person produces at any given time is dependent on many factors such as age, mood, gender, lifestyle, etc. One of the factors is the food you eat.

Because there are so many contributing factors it is virtually impossible to conclude that any food (such as chocolate, french fries, salty foods, dairy products, etc.) is a definite cause of acne.

To even complicate the issue more, acne does not appear on the surface of your skin immediately. Because it takes anywhere from several days to several weeks to reach the surface, it is often difficult to relate any pimple to eating any specific food.

However, with that being said, there is no question that some foods will trigger acne in some people. The challenge is to discover which foods can trigger acne in you, and under what circumstances.

In my opinion as a licensed aesthetician, skin care specialist, with nearly 20 years experience, I believe that you can analyze your acne and determine whether any food is contributing to your breakouts.

Let's be realistic and honest, an occasional candy bar or fast food snack should not cause acne. On the other hand, one or several candy bars daily or a steady diet of fast foods could be a major contributing factor to your acne. Changes in diets of any kind should be seriously considered as a factor if you suffer a sudden breakout.

When you are following the proper methods of washing or cleansing your face and you still have frequent breakouts, you should consider the possibility that food may be a contributing factor. At this point you must become a detective and analyze your diet and eating habits.

The first step is to keep a record of what you eat each day. Be critical of yourself writing down everything that may be contributing to your problem.

Try to find a relationship between eating certain foods and experiencing a breakout. Remember there will be a time delay in actually seeing the breakout.

Start eliminating foods that could contribute and observe the effect, especially any reduction in your condition.

Consider factors other than foods that might be contributing to your condition such as stress, hormonal changes, lifestyle, etc. These and similar factors in your life at any given time can cause your sebaceous glands to go wild.

The bottom line is that foods do contribute to acne but not in as direct a way as anyone would like. There is little doubt that chocolate and french fries can contribute to acne. BUT:

• Do they affect you personally?

• How much can you consume without an effect?

• Must other factors, stress, hormonal issues, lifestyle, etc. also be present?

Only you can determine which, if any, foods are contributing to your acne. And, only you can determine whether you want to take action to reduce your acne that results.

To get comprehensive information check out Acne And Foods at ‎HomeCureForAcneNow.com today.

Make sure you also check out Acne No More Review for further information on how to cure serious acne.

Susan Baker has been a licensed, professional aesthetician in Oregon for nearly 20 years. She has treated many clients with acne and have found that following a daily routine of washing or cleansing your face, and following a weekly routine of deep cleaning your pores you can prevent most acne breakouts.

For those who do have breakouts, she offers advice for how to treat pimples, prevent acne scars, and even pop pimples.

What Is The Relationship Between Acne And Foods?

Acne Foods

Read Cystic Acne more

Cystic acne is a type of abscess that is formed when oil ducts become clogged and infected. Cystic acne affects deeper skin tissue that forms more superficial inflammation from common acne. Cystic acne is most common on the face and typically occurs in the teenage years. Not only are cystic acne breakouts painful, but the extent of damage they are capable of inflicting often goes beyond the reach of topically applied products.

A bacterium, known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal denizen of the skin. This bacterium uses sebum as a nutrient for growth, therefore increases in follicles during puberty. It is said by the doctors that people with acne have more Propionibacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne. Now after reading all this it is pretty clear that the root formation of acne is within the sebaceous follicle, which is basically a hair follicle with attached oil glands. Androgens increase sebum production markedly. Hence this is the reason why rate of cystic acne formation increases in puberty because the hormones increase the sebum production.

Sebum might not be that dangerous to form acne but what accelerates the process of acne is the event of the formation of an oil-duct plug, known as a microcomedone. Cells lining the duct of the sebaceous follicle peel off the side and combine with the oil to form a tight little plug. Behind this plug acne bacteria proliferate, metabolize the sebum, and create an inflammatory reaction. What happens is that the presence of bacteria attracts white blood cells to the follicle. These white blood cells produce an enzyme that damages the wall of the follicle, allowing the contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. Rupture of the plugged gland causes the cystic acne.

It is highly recommended that people with cystic acne should visit a dermatologist. If the patient is suffering from light to moderate cystic acne then he/she can take antibiotics which have the tendency to kill the bacterium but approximately 30%-45% of today's cystic acne strains are resistant to one or more of the common antibiotics, making them useless. Additionally long-term use of antibiotics is associated with increased cancer risks. Many dermatologists these days give oral drugs such as Accutane and sulfa-based antibiotics for cystic acne. Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline and minocycline are also more effective for cystic acne because they work systemically. However, they can cause such side effects as photosensitivity (higher risk of sunburn), upset stomach, dizziness and skin discoloration, and must be taken for as long as four to six months.

If the patient is interested in using therapies to cure cystic acne then the most important therapy is the use of tretinoin (Retin-A). The reason for using this vitamin A is because it is a comedolytic. It thins the outer layer of skin and slowly over months reverses the formation of the keratin-sebum plugs, which lead to rupture of the sebaceous follicle but one of the side effects is that a persistent red flush is seen in many patients on Retin-A. Certain areas of the face, such as the chin, are easily irritated with tretinoin and the frequency of use might be limited to every two or three days until your skin gets used to it.

Find out more about Cystic Acne [http://www.getacnetips.com/cystic-acne.php] as well as other Health issues by visiting getacnetips.com [http://www.getacnetips.com] and gethealthtips.com [http://www.gethealthtips.com]

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Cystic Acne


Examine Acne Cure - Foods That Help Clear Acne more

There are several people who find it embarrassing to reveal their face publicly. They try creams, washes, topical gels and all sorts of drugs but yet can't get a proper cure for acne. Experts have studied that the finest way to deal with acne naturally is to consume a healthy nutritious diet rich in vegetables, beans, whole grains, fruits, seeds and nuts. These foods are very essential to clear acne and deal with acne breakouts.

Acne that is seen on the face and other body parts happens due to problems in our internal body. Our digestive system works properly due to liver. In case the level of toxins rises in the body, then it is an indication that there is a problem with the liver. Excessive toxins results in various skin issues like pimples, acne, whiteheads, zits or blackheads. A well-balanced nutritious diet can solve acne problem considerably. Apart from this certain foods also help clear acne.

When you are shopping fruits and vegetables, try and pick the freshest ones and better if you get organic. Try and make smoothies, raw juices and salads so that you get maximum enzymes and nutrients. Certain essential components are destroyed by cooking. If you wish to cook, try and limit the time to minimum and opt for light steaming or stir fry rather than grilling, boiling or baking. This helps you to retain maximum nutrients.

Zinc and beta-carotene are antioxidants that are responsible for healthy skin. A diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins will help to heal the skin faster and remove spots and scars. Green leafy veggies, spinach, lettuce, carrots and red chili peppers are rich in beta carotene and they help clear acne. Protein-rich meats, lamb, seafood, pork, beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, crabmeat, clams and lobster are rich in zinc. For vegetarians zinc rich foods would include pumpkin seeds, beans, cereals, dairy products, whole grain breads, potatoes, etc.

The best choice for a healthy and acne-free skin is to consume plenty of water. Ideally 2 liters water per day will ensure your digestive system running well and flush toxins out of the body. Besides, your skin will be hydrated and supple. Such foods are good to treat acne and will clear acne.

Let us conclude that a healthy diet is the ideal way to keep away from acne. Fast food and junk food must be avoided and instead a diet that is rich in fresh veggies and fruits must be adopted. Here are some foods that can help to clear acne:

Consume abundance of very fresh veggies and fruits. Try to have 1 fruit serving and about five servings of vegetables every day.
Acne thrives on skin if you consume fried food, refined sugar and carbohydrates.
Pulses must be included in diet.
Include salad when you take your meals. Salad keeps issues like constipation at bay. Salads are rich in fiber.
Try to avoid addiction to coffee or tea.

Acne Foods
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Acne Cure - Foods That Help Clear Acne

Understand Food to Avoid For Significantly Clearer Skin additional

Having had acne for many years, and tried various and numerous treatments, I found out that food was something that plays a big role in acne. In this article I want to tell you what I found out, and how I use food to keep my skin crystal clear from acne.

First of all it's important to understand the root cause of acne. While dermatologists treat the later development of acne with antibiotics and accutane, they fail to treat the root cause - hormonal imbalance.

When your hormones are imbalance, you break out in acne. The good news is that hormonal imbalance is something you can address effectively and so clear up your acne, no matter how bad it is. And this is where food comes into the equation. Certain foods cause massive hormonal imbalance. And you guessed it, when you avoid those foods, your skin clears up. Let's talk about one of those foods in particular.

Vegetable oils are one of the worst foods for causing acne, as they produced massive hormonal imbalance, often within a few short hours or sooner or consuming them. And the bad news is that vegetable oils can cause acne breakouts for days or even weeks after consuming them.

Vegetable oils are most commonly consumed as cooking oils like sunflower oil. Do not use these to cook with. Vegetable oils are also often found in some pre-made foods like pasta sauces and junk food. So check the ingredients labels on these foods before buying and eating them.

Making this one simple change to your diet can massively clear up your skin and you'll find that those nasty cysts will be a thing of the past once you avoid vegetable oils. This is what happened for me, and then it was just a matter of making some other changes in my life to fully balance my hormones to the point where I no longer got acne anymore. Success.

Acne Foods

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

Food to Avoid For Significantly Clearer Skin

Acne Foods

Read How Can You Know the Foods That Cause Acne? more

How Can You Know the Foods That Cause Acne?

Acne Foods

Acne Foods

When it comes to preventing or getting rid of acne it is very important to avoid the different foods that cause acne. The skin condition acne is usually focused more on young adults and adolescents. Foods actually are actually a huge contributor to acne cases. The acne causing foods really are quite common but actually can be avoided just with common sense. The saying "you are what you eat" is very true. Especially when dealing with one's skin. Foods that cause acne manifest in your skin than turn into signs and symptoms of acne if they are ingested too often or in excess. These foods are fatty and greasy foods which are cooked in, or include, oil and grease.

Even if it is a healthy oil, it still oil and could threaten our skin with acne. Some foods are in themselves fatty, which means they contain a stunning amount of fat that will be transferred to our skin if it is processed or digested in the digestive system. Junk foods could become acne causing foods depending on if the individual is sensitive to the ingredients.

What can you do? Often times experts and dermatologists in the field of skin care recommend that you reduce the consumption of these types of foods. Unfortunately, many will recommend COMPLETELY eliminating these foods for a while, especially for those of you are prone to this skin condition. Make sure to keep your skin free from oil and very clean, mainly your facial skin, to help reduce acne symptoms and occurrence. Touching sensitive skin on our faces with hands that may be dirty can cause build up of dirt and other bacteria on the facial skin. While the foods that cause acne could vary depending on how the person's body will react to the food reducing the amount of possible foods that may cause acne can also help reduce acne occurrences.

If one has no clue what foods they are sensitive to, it might be a good idea to increase water intake since this also can help to eliminate all sorts of bad toxins in the body. Also, increasing fruits and vegetables could help since they contain fiber. Fiber is very good for digestion. Fruits and vegetables seldom are acne causing foods actually, although the avocado is loaded with fats, there is no signs that it directly causes acne.

I highly recommend you check out this product review of a method to cure your acne with great food choices. Have more questions about acne-causing foods or just acne in general? Click here!

Study Foods That Reduce Acne Spots more

You've heard a lot about how some foods can cause (or foods that reduce acne) a breakout... but much of this isn't based on fact. So chocolate lovers, pizza eaters, greasy or fried food junkies can relax, your favorite foods show no evidence of bringing on a breakout of acne.

Still the idea of food and acne does have some merit. Eat low carb, go easy on the dairy and you'll help your skin look clearer and be managing your weight at the same time, according to some experts.

Research into the issue has brought mixed results, but it's possible that those who have acne also have a condition known as hyperinsulinemia and so low glycemic index foods actually help the hormones control acne.

As you might guess from the name, hyperinsulinemia involves too much insulin in the bloodstream. The thinking is that eating plans that include low carb foods keep blood sugar (and insulin) levels more constant over time.

For those with acne, eating low carb, and limiting dairy, may well be the secret to clearing your skin once and for all.

Acne is actually a disease of the hair follicles on the face, chest and back that comes to most of us during puberty. Elevated levels of male hormones that are naturally released during this time stimulate the oil glands attached to the hair follicles. Skin cells are predisposed to clogging at this age, and the follicle becomes enlarged, and may rupture, which lets irritating substances and normal bacteria in the skin into the deeper layers, and this produces the inflammation... the redness.

Depending on how close to the skin surface the clog is, you can have a pustule (close to the surface) a pimple (deeper) or a cyst (further down). If the oil comes to the surface you have a whitehead, if it oxidizes or accumulates melanin pigment it's a blackhead.

While acne isn't a result of heredity, bad hygiene or stress, it can come as a result of pressure from helmets, chin straps, collars and the like, some prescription medications and even jobs where you're exposed to industrial products that have lots of oils. Also, look to cosmetics and skin care products you're using and choose ones that have water listed as the first or second ingredient on the label.

The good news for acne sufferers comes in terms of treatment.

Start with over the counter products, especially for acne that's mild or moderate. Look for a cleanser with salicylic acid and a leave on product with benzoyl peroxide to keep the skin dry. By doing so you'll be unclogging pores, killing bacteria and keeping oil under control. Only if this doesn't work do you need to take the next step... seeing a dermatologist.

For the more severe cases of acne, most often isotretinoin (a type of vitamin A) is the treatment of choice. This medication is not prescribed lightly as it can cause major birth defects and other side effects like hallucinations, depression and even suicidal behaviors. Oral contraceptives and antibiotics (either oral or topical) are other viable options.

There are even treatments using lasers or blue light therapy that have shown themselves to deliver good results. The most important message for acne sufferers, as well eating foods that reduce acne spots - don't go untreated as you're risking being left with awful acne scars.

Acne Foods

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more about foods that reduce acne and can keep spots at bay.

Foods That Reduce Acne Spots

Acne Foods

Examine Using Zinc For Acne - How Does It Work? far more

There are many vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids considered as helpful in preventing acne breakouts. Among all these, zinc is making a great impact. If you're looking for a safe and painless way to treat your acne, consider taking zinc supplements.

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral that's probably best known for boosting the body's immune system. Zinc can be found in more than two hundred enzymes; it is, in fact, the mineral with the greatest quantity present in enzymes. One of the primary functions of zinc is helping white blood cells - the antibodies in our blood - continue with their normal activities. Without zinc, not all of our white blood cells will be able to function.

Sources of Zinc

Lots of acne products and treatments already contain zinc. Besides that, you can take zinc supplements to increase zinc levels in your body. Also, zinc can be found in various foods like nuts, sunflower seeds, peas, beans, whole grains, poultry, eggs, dairy, and lean beef.

How Zinc Works against Acne

It was mentioned earlier on that zinc can boost our body's immune system. This is good news in terms of acne prevention and treatment. Remember that the two biggest causes for acne breakouts are bacteria and hyperactive sebaceous glands. When your immune system malfunctions, it can sometimes cause sebaceous glands to work more than it should, which then leads to increased oil levels. And as always, where oily skin exists, so does acne.

Secondly, the immune system is the body's main defense against all sorts of illnesses, whether they're caused by bacteria, viruses, or any foreign body entering our system. When the immune system is weak, harmful substances find it easier to get inside our body and some of these may lead to acne breakouts.

Obviously, with these in mind, zinc will help prevent acne breakouts simply by keeping our immune system strong and healthy.

Potential Advantages of Using Zinc Supplements

No Scarring. This is one of the greatest concerns expressed by people when considering acne treatments. Not all treatments can guarantee the absence of scarring. Most can take away red acne from your face, but they're sure to leave blemishes and spots. If you desire a completely flawless face - your original complexion if you will - once acne has been removed, you face a safer future with zinc supplements.

Skin-Healing Properties. Zinc is generally good for the skin. It has long been used to treat babies for diaper rash and itching. If you suffer from such problems, these could also lead to acne when irritated. In this case, using zinc supplements will serve as acne prevention by treating present skin problems. Zinc has also been found effective for sun protection and preventing your lips from chapping.

Its skin-healing properties are among the reasons why it can prevent scarring after application or use. Before any wound appears, zinc is already working on affected areas, healing skin tissues and promoting cell growth.

Hormonal Regulation. Sometimes, acne is a side effect of hormonal irregularities in your body. Unknown to many, women have male hormones as well and vice versa.

During a woman's menstrual cycle, hormonal irregularities occur, which can later on lead to acne breakouts. With birth control pills, hormonal irregularities are rectified. This is why birth control pills are also used as acne treatments. Zinc is also an ingredient used for making birth control pills. In terms of safety, however, zinc supplements may be a healthier option than birth control pills as acne treatment.

DNA Synthesis. Although this term sounds too scientific to have a direct connection to acne breakouts, all it simply means is that with DNA synthesis, you get beautiful new skin and that's where zinc comes in. This mineral can promote DNA synthesis and through it, old dead skin cells are replaced with new ones. New skin is always acne free and with it, you start off with a clean acne-free slate. Isn't zinc wonderful?

Ultimately, however, there are still inadequate data present to fully prove that zinc supplements and zinc-powered acne treatments and solutions are completely effective as stand-alone remedy. For now, increasing intake of zinc would only do as a complement to other acne solutions. Consult your doctor for other ways to increase the presence of zinc in your body.

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Using Zinc For Acne - How Does It Work?

Study Do Greasy Foods Cause Acne? extra

The different ways people think they can get acne are many. There have been fairy tales about the causes of acne dating back to a hundred years. The individual, who goes through the teen years and gets a zit, was told that greasy foods would make it worse. Chocolate was accused of being another culprit of bad acne. Also, many individuals refrained from eating these very foods because they wanted a clean and acne free face. So, to answer the question, "Does greasy foods cause Acne?" Let's look at the real causes listed below and see the answer to this question.

1. The obvious culprit for many acne sufferers is from the raging hormones that strike during the puberty years. The hormone levels go up about age twelve and finally subside during the early twenties. This is when acne is the worst. The hormones cause the glands that secrete sebum then become clogged and this creates the pimple, blackhead, or whitehead.

2. Diet has been found to have no direct link to the acne and therefore have found the question "Does greasy foods cause acne?" to be untrue. When an individual eats pizza, hamburgers, chocolate, of other like foods, acne may be irritated but not caused by these. Vitamin D in your diet or as a supplement will increase the skins ability to stay clean and healthy.

3. Stress can also make the question, "Does greasy foods cause Acne?" false. Stress can make acne outbreaks worse that is usually experienced. Hormones are in an imbalance and therefore the glands are not working as they should.

The treatment of acne is not related to greasy foods. It is not necessary to avoid greasy foods altogether but reducing them in your diet and is a good idea anyway. Greasy food is full of bad ingredients that can cause other health problems. Acne can be treated with an over the counter acne medication designed to dry up the gland and clean the face from excess oil. There are even some great home remedies you can try at home. This is answered with the knowledge that acne is much more than the foods we eat. It is a combination of the body reaction to the stress it is under, the hormone levels it is currently holding and the genetics you were born with.

Acne Foods

Steve Morin is an ex-sufferer of adult acne [http://www.getridofmyacne.org] and is now an authority in the area of Acne Treatment [http://www.getridofmyacne.org]. Steve has experimented with many different acne cures to find the very best that will help get rid of acne.

You can visit his website for more information about these acne remedies [http://www.getridofmyacne.org].

Do Greasy Foods Cause Acne?

Read Acne Home Remedies - Say No to 5 Foods Causing Acne additional

Acne is one of the major torments of men and women and more and more people are interested in acne home remedies, because this is the only safe way to cure acne and not harm our body.

People keep finding ways in reducing acne and one of the common and possible solutions that they often come up with is changing their diets, because our diet is a fundamental part of all acne home remedies. Although most of the specialists have stated that no concrete medical studies support that foods cause acne directly, there are plenty of evidences that pretty much suggest that there is a link between a person diet and acne.

Most of the time, there are foods that increase the level of hormones in the blood. And as a result of these higher hormone levels, more sebum or oil is secreted by the skin. Moreover, there is greater production of keratin. Combining these results, there could be clogging of the skin pores and will eventually cause acne.

The following are examples of foods causing acne:

1. Cheese. Dairy products are believed to be the worst foods if you are trying to avoid acne. Cheese is enriched with high level of fat and as you have learned, too much fat can definitely cause acne.

2. Milk. Almost all the time, it is extracted from cows that are pregnant. Unfortunately, their milk contains hormones. Skin glands of people have enzyme containing glands which convert the certain hormones to Dihydrotestosterone. It boosts oil production and leads to acne.

3. Sugar and refined carbohydrates. These often cause blood sugar issues. They enter the bloodstream rapidly and the blood sugar levels are being spiked up. Too much fat aggravates the problem. It will eventually lead to acne and other deficiencies.

4. Pizza. This food is obviously greasy and high-fat. It is often agreed to be responsible for acne outbreaks. Anthropologists have come up with the term sympathetic magic. It dictates a belief of "like causes like". The best explanation for this is, if you eat pizza, you will look like a pizza.

5. Any food with caffeine. Caffeine increases production of hormones and leads to acne or worse, more acne. It contains a high level of toxins which manifests as acne once it escapes through the skin.

Any other food may also trigger skin problems. One person naturally has intolerance, allergy and sensitivity to certain foods and this may cause acne for that particular person. As with any other ailments that are related with our food consumption, effort should be tolerated to remove the foods from their diets.

For those people who try to avoid or reduce acne using acne home remedies, eliminating these foods on their diet may help to have clearer skin. This is definitely worth trying since the foods that we take in plays a vital role in having good health and healthy skin. Possessing a food journal is a best way to learn and document the links between acne and the food you eat. You may avoid this disgusting acne if you have the right determination in engaging in a proper diet.

Acne Foods
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Acne Home Remedies - Say No to 5 Foods Causing Acne

Study Acne and Diet: Top 5 Acne Causing Foods to Avoid much more

Acne Causing Foods

Whether or not acne and diet are related is a bit controversial. Many dermatologists still maintain that there is no connection, but now many are finally coming around and realizing that diet is in fact an important factor in acne prevention. Preventing and healing acne through diet is not as simple as eliminating the bad foods, there are also many foods that must be included in order to get proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. That being said, here are the top 5 foods to avoid for preventing and healing acne through diet.

1. Hydrogenated trans fats. These fats are engineered and not found in nature in the proportions we see in food products today. The hydrolyzing process allows vegetable oils to remain solid at room temperature, but it also changes the molecular structure of the fat making it unhealthy and highly inflammatory. Hydrolyzed fats are found in many processed foods. Read the label before you buy!

2. Saturated animal fats. Saturated animal fats are worse for you than saturated vegetable fats, such as coconut oil. If you eat meat, get lean meats. Saturated fats are inflammatory and will aggravate acne.

3. Refined sugar - Sugar is also is inflammatory and it causes spikes in blood sugar and insulin production. There is a correlation between high sugar foods and acne. Continually elevated insulin levels in the body puts tress on the body and is one of the main underlying causes of acne. It is also a good idea to limit high glycemic index fruits and vegetables. All of your fruit and veggie servings should not be from potatoes and sugary fruit like watermelon.

4. White flour and grains which are not whole. Theses processed grains have the outer hull and germ removed and as a result they provide much less nutritional value than whole grains. Plus, many of the missing nutrients are important in healing acne including zinc, vitamin b6 and selenium.

5. Milk and other dairy products. Milk consumption is associated with acne and is probably hormone related. This could be growth hormones given to cows to produce more milk, but even milk from cows that are not fed artificial hormones contains natural growth hormones. All animal milk does- after all its purpose is to help young mammals grow. The natural hormones found in cows' milk are similar enough to human hormones that they may get into the bloodstream and work in the body just as our own natural hormones do.

These are the top foods to avoid for naturally preventing and healing acne. This is only part of the picture; getting proper nutrition is just as important if not more so in your anti acne diet. You will need to replace the bad foods in your diet with good, acne fighting foods. There is clear evidence that acne and diet are interrelated and knowing what foods to eliminate is the first step in clearing up your diet and your skin.

Visit ehealingacne.com for anti-acne diet recipes, home remedies, and more information on healing acne naturally.

Acne and Diet: Top 5 Acne Causing Foods to Avoid

Understand Yummy Foods That Can Cause Acne more

Yummy Foods That Can Cause Acne

Acne Causing Foods

Acne Causing Foods

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Besides a good skin care routine, your skin deserves a good amount of hydration and nutrients from the food you eat. If you are experiencing acne breakouts, it could be caused by a lot of factors like using the wrong products, or it's simply just eating the wrong kinds of food. Avoiding these acne causing foods will not only benefit your skin, but also the rest of your body.

Your skin has thousands of pores. These pores serve as your body's exhaust and absorbing channels. Anything your body acquires and secretes will be through your pores. Acne is the effect of an allergic reaction caused by your pore's secretion or what it has absorbed. Stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalance can also trigger your acne from popping out.

In general, the foods that are best seen to cause acne are oily and fatty foods. If you have oily skin, eating fried foods too often can cause your acne to pop out every time. Another thing can be all about hormonal imbalance. Fluctuating hormones can be worsened by foods that contain caffeine, and dairy products. Lastly, is by eating processed foods. Processed foods can bring a lot of disadvantages to the body, and acne is just a part of it.

If fat, dairy, caffeine, sugar and processed foods are part of your daily lifestyle; perhaps you should change your diet and not your skin care routine. Frappucino with whipped cream is a good example of an acne-causing drink. It is packed with caffeine, whipped cream (dairy product and fat), and sugar. Chips, Ice cream, Pork Chops, Fried Cheese Fingers, and Processed Cheese are just part of the long list of foods to avoid.

So the big fat question is "what is left for you to eat?" If there are foods that could cause acne, there are foods that will also help you combat acne. Eat more leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and dark-colored fruits like pomegranates, acai, and beets. These are rich in anti-oxidants, plenty of fiber and they also stabilize your blood sugar and insulin spikes. Eating fish that is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids also bring good effects to your skin. Lastly, drinking green tea regularly will flush out all the toxins in your body and will bring you clearer looking skin in no time.

Occasionally, you can always eat adequate amount of fatty, dairy and sweet foods. However, make it a habit to eat more healthy, non-acne causing foods than the ones that could ruin your skin. Your skin serves as your health meter. Take care of your skin by always eating healthy foods and by following a good skincare routine.

Achieving a healthy body and a glowing skin is just simple arithmetic. There are foods to add, and foods to subtract from your system. To start off, here are the 5 foods to definitely stay away from. Change your life by visiting this website for free! http://what-5-foods-to-never-eat.com/

Study Foods That Help to Fight Acne much more

There are some foods that can help you to fight acne. Though you can't just eat any food and relax for your acne problems to fade away, there are some specific foods that are responsible for fighting acne scars.

Foods high in beta carotene such as carrots, pumpkin, and cantaloupe are effective for ending acne problems. Add plenty of vegetables to your meals, eat plenty of fruits and sprouts. All these foods are acne enemy foods. If you take enough of them, believe me that you will soon see your acne scar clear off gradually.

Lime juice is also another fruit food that is very essential in fighting your acne problems. Get 2 lime fruits, squeeze it into a cup and drink it both in morning and before you go to bed. Also rub some of those lime juice on your face. I will suggest taking the lime juice while it's in its natural form. Its fresh form is more effective than stored or processed ones. It won't be easy to find them in the city but a trial will convenience you. Visit your nearest local fruit market and you will be surprise to see some.

Water is also another food that can help send your acne away. Drink 9 glasses of water daily; taking 3 in the morning, afternoon and evening respectively.

Strawberries, tea tree oil, garlic, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar play a vital role to help clear your acne; scientific evidence reveals it. I highly recommend you to take them if you need fast relieve from your acne condition. Aloe vera is also good for curing acne scars. Don't forget to rub them on your face morning and at night before you go to bed.

AcneFreein3Days is a complete guide to cure acne in as little as 3 days. Its steps include natural easy-to-follow scientifically tested and proven methods you can use to cure your acne in 3 days. If you wish to get more information about AcneFreein3days and how it will be able to cure your acne in 3 days, visit http://myacnefreein3daysreview.blogspot.com/

Foods That Help to Fight Acne

Acne Foods

Go through Fast Food and Acne - Why Acne Gets Worse With Fast Food far more

It's finally that special day, you look in the mirror and there is a huge zit on the middle of your forehead. You curse yourself for eating that chocolate or pizza. But did that junk food actually make your pimples appear?

There's an increasing number of research indicating there's a connection between eating habits and pimples (or acne). However, this is not the view all dermatologists have since more research is needed to confirm the findings.

We know that most teenagers experience acne due to hormonal changes and acne breakouts can extend into the 20s and 30s. More severe cases, like cystic acne, are related to genetics. But apart from that, some people are affected by acne due to some food triggers.

A simple explanation of why we get pimples is that a pore or follicle gets blocked. This happens when our oil glands inside the pores become inflamed. Inflammation occurs when the oil glands produce a surplus of sebum, are irritated by extra dead skin cells, or the pore is plugged, increasing bacteria.

Traditionally skin doctors believed that there was no connection between diet and acne, however, new evidence suggests that some foods and beverages can form or trigger acne.

The link between food and acne began to make sense after several studies that were made indicated that some people were acne prone when ingesting foods high in refined, processed foods. One study done in 2002 found no acne breakouts in 1315 adolescents living in Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. The study conducted in western countries found that most teens part of the study had acne.

High-GI foods

In a Western society, there are some foods that most adolescents eat or ingest such as soft drinks, sugary snacks and white bread.

The evidence suggests that a diet high in refined, processed foods makes perfect conditions for acne breakouts. These high-GI foods increase blood sugar levels quickly causing insulin levels to rise.

Basically, junk food can indirectly generate pimples because the metabolism changes in response to them and boosts insulin.

If you are affected by high insulin levels over time, it can make your skin drier, thicker. This in hand creates flakes and dead skin cells assist in blocking pores. This can also enhance levels of free androgens in men and women, making the skin's oil glands produce an excess amount of oil and trigger acne.

This particular effect produces a lot more difficulties in adolescence when we are usually more receptive to insulin, however genetics can also make some people more insulin-sensitive.

Proof from a recent review of the links between eating habits and acne, has also caused scientists to suggest that other components of traditional western diets, particularly dairy, may be related to acne. This review of 27 studies found milk and high-GI diets trigger acne in a number of individuals, but evidence is not yet proven for chocolate and saturated fat (ie the 'bad' fat found in meat, dairy and numerous processed foods).

Dietary changes

Therefore if you would like to stay away from pimples it's recommended that you choose harder, nuttier, chewier foods, such as:

whole meal pasta

grainy breads and flours

low-GI basmati rice and brown rice

low-GI fruits like rock melon and apple.

It really is additionally smart to stay away from drinking too much juice, as it heightens sugar levels and insulin. Go for fresh fruit instead.

If you are having a hard time staying away from pizza or chocolates and still want something to prevent acne breakouts, lucky you! Acne skin care [http://www.outsmartacne.com/] products with snail secretion are designed to keep acne at bay. An acne cream with snail serum will regulate sebum output, control bacteria to keep your skin free from those ugly breakouts.

Fast Food and Acne - Why Acne Gets Worse With Fast Food

Acne Causing Foods