Read Acne Home Remedies - Say No to 5 Foods Causing Acne additional

Acne is one of the major torments of men and women and more and more people are interested in acne home remedies, because this is the only safe way to cure acne and not harm our body.

People keep finding ways in reducing acne and one of the common and possible solutions that they often come up with is changing their diets, because our diet is a fundamental part of all acne home remedies. Although most of the specialists have stated that no concrete medical studies support that foods cause acne directly, there are plenty of evidences that pretty much suggest that there is a link between a person diet and acne.

Most of the time, there are foods that increase the level of hormones in the blood. And as a result of these higher hormone levels, more sebum or oil is secreted by the skin. Moreover, there is greater production of keratin. Combining these results, there could be clogging of the skin pores and will eventually cause acne.

The following are examples of foods causing acne:

1. Cheese. Dairy products are believed to be the worst foods if you are trying to avoid acne. Cheese is enriched with high level of fat and as you have learned, too much fat can definitely cause acne.

2. Milk. Almost all the time, it is extracted from cows that are pregnant. Unfortunately, their milk contains hormones. Skin glands of people have enzyme containing glands which convert the certain hormones to Dihydrotestosterone. It boosts oil production and leads to acne.

3. Sugar and refined carbohydrates. These often cause blood sugar issues. They enter the bloodstream rapidly and the blood sugar levels are being spiked up. Too much fat aggravates the problem. It will eventually lead to acne and other deficiencies.

4. Pizza. This food is obviously greasy and high-fat. It is often agreed to be responsible for acne outbreaks. Anthropologists have come up with the term sympathetic magic. It dictates a belief of "like causes like". The best explanation for this is, if you eat pizza, you will look like a pizza.

5. Any food with caffeine. Caffeine increases production of hormones and leads to acne or worse, more acne. It contains a high level of toxins which manifests as acne once it escapes through the skin.

Any other food may also trigger skin problems. One person naturally has intolerance, allergy and sensitivity to certain foods and this may cause acne for that particular person. As with any other ailments that are related with our food consumption, effort should be tolerated to remove the foods from their diets.

For those people who try to avoid or reduce acne using acne home remedies, eliminating these foods on their diet may help to have clearer skin. This is definitely worth trying since the foods that we take in plays a vital role in having good health and healthy skin. Possessing a food journal is a best way to learn and document the links between acne and the food you eat. You may avoid this disgusting acne if you have the right determination in engaging in a proper diet.

Acne Foods
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Acne Home Remedies - Say No to 5 Foods Causing Acne