There are literally hundreds of studies that report on the relationship of acne to foods.
Most are controversial at best and few are definitive. Based on the way the research for the report was collected you usually can find a report that supports any position you want to defend your eating habits.
The bottom line is that there is little, if any, proof that any food, of itself, is the cause of acne.
The problem is that everyone is different. What affects one does not affect another. While one person can eat chocolate all day and not get acne, another can seemingly take one bite and break out. Also, what you eat today may have no effect, but if you eat the same food next week you may breakout, or so it seems.
The basic cause of acne is that your sebaceous glands produce excessive sebum, skin oil, which combines with dead skin cells and plugs your skin pores.
The amount of sebum a person produces at any given time is dependent on many factors such as age, mood, gender, lifestyle, etc. One of the factors is the food you eat.
Because there are so many contributing factors it is virtually impossible to conclude that any food (such as chocolate, french fries, salty foods, dairy products, etc.) is a definite cause of acne.
To even complicate the issue more, acne does not appear on the surface of your skin immediately. Because it takes anywhere from several days to several weeks to reach the surface, it is often difficult to relate any pimple to eating any specific food.
However, with that being said, there is no question that some foods will trigger acne in some people. The challenge is to discover which foods can trigger acne in you, and under what circumstances.
In my opinion as a licensed aesthetician, skin care specialist, with nearly 20 years experience, I believe that you can analyze your acne and determine whether any food is contributing to your breakouts.
Let's be realistic and honest, an occasional candy bar or fast food snack should not cause acne. On the other hand, one or several candy bars daily or a steady diet of fast foods could be a major contributing factor to your acne. Changes in diets of any kind should be seriously considered as a factor if you suffer a sudden breakout.
When you are following the proper methods of washing or cleansing your face and you still have frequent breakouts, you should consider the possibility that food may be a contributing factor. At this point you must become a detective and analyze your diet and eating habits.
The first step is to keep a record of what you eat each day. Be critical of yourself writing down everything that may be contributing to your problem.
Try to find a relationship between eating certain foods and experiencing a breakout. Remember there will be a time delay in actually seeing the breakout.
Start eliminating foods that could contribute and observe the effect, especially any reduction in your condition.
Consider factors other than foods that might be contributing to your condition such as stress, hormonal changes, lifestyle, etc. These and similar factors in your life at any given time can cause your sebaceous glands to go wild.
The bottom line is that foods do contribute to acne but not in as direct a way as anyone would like. There is little doubt that chocolate and french fries can contribute to acne. BUT:
• Do they affect you personally?
• How much can you consume without an effect?
• Must other factors, stress, hormonal issues, lifestyle, etc. also be present?
Only you can determine which, if any, foods are contributing to your acne. And, only you can determine whether you want to take action to reduce your acne that results.
To get comprehensive information check out Acne And Foods at today.
Make sure you also check out Acne No More Review for further information on how to cure serious acne.
Susan Baker has been a licensed, professional aesthetician in Oregon for nearly 20 years. She has treated many clients with acne and have found that following a daily routine of washing or cleansing your face, and following a weekly routine of deep cleaning your pores you can prevent most acne breakouts.
For those who do have breakouts, she offers advice for how to treat pimples, prevent acne scars, and even pop pimples.